The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.
126 items
Data Downloads
Directional Survey Data [BCOGC-2354]
All directional survey data. Please choose your preferred download format.
Facility Locations (Permitted) [BCOGC-2668]
Facilities are an oil and gas activity, defined in the Oil and Gas Activities Act as a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas, water or a substance referred to in paragraph (d) or (e) of the definition of pipeline. This dataset contains point features collected on or after July 11, 2016 for approved facility locations
First Nations Consultations Summary [BCOGC-2867]
This report summarizes the FN Consultation Summary for applications in progress
NCS Submitted Dates [BCOGC-2161]
A report listing all Notice of Construction Starts (NCS) that have been submitted. The report includes NCS submitted via esubmission, NCS submitted via KERMIT and legacy submissions entered via IRIS.
Reservoir Engineering
Complete FracFocus Data [BCOGC-2643]
Disclosure of composition of hydraulic fracture fluid compositions for wells, listed by fracture date.
Reservoir Engineering
Hydrocarbon Liquid Analysis [BCOGC-2801]
Hydrocarbon liquid analysis (condensate & pentane plus) sampled from wells
Activity Levels
Applications Approved [BCOGC-2818]
All approved applications with a decision date filter
Activity Levels
Applications In-Progress [BCOGC-2810]
All applications in progress by application number, status, activity type, and task types
Activity Levels
Facility Liability Report [BCOGC-2834]
Information on the liability associated with a specific facility as determined by the Liability Management team
Activity Levels
Well Liability Report [BCOGC-2826]
Information on the liability associated with a specific well as determined by the Liability Management team
Data Downloads
Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]
Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.
Number Of Wells Drilled In B.C. [BCOGC-2177]
This report shows the number of wells drilled in B.C. for the selected dates.
Surface Casing Vent Flow Database [BCOGC-2883]
Authorized wells by surface location including mode codes, operations types, and flow rates
Well Authorizations Approved - Monthly by Status [BCOGC-2875]
This report shows the number of well authorizations approved by status in B.C. for the selected dates.
Data Downloads
Well Authorizations Issued [BCOGC-2858]
List of authorized wells by permit number, WA number, location, operator and an approval date filter
Well Index [BCOGC-2555]
Complete Well Index data. Please choose your preferred download format.
Wells Drilled By Status [BCOGC-2230]
This report shows the number of wells drilled by status in B.C. for the selected year.
Well Lookup and Reports [BCOGC-40527]
Credentials to logon are required to view this report.
Facility Inventory [BCOGC-41090]
All active facilities by permit number, operator, and facility number
Facility Detail Status [BCOGC-41110]
Facilities by the facility status, including permit number, facility ID, operator and other facility details
Publication of WA data uploads to eLibrary [BCOGC-41120]
Well publications posted on the FTP website by Records
Dormant Sites
Dormancy Status [BCOGC-41130]
Summarizes dormancy status for wells, facilities and pipelines as per the Dormancy Regulation
Reservoir Engineering
BC Total Production [BCOGC-41143]
Provides a summary of production products from BC wells with an option to filter for time period, area and/or formation
Well Surface Abandonment [BCOGC-41437]
This report identifies wells with a current status of Abandoned and Casing has been Cut Off
Drilling Kicks and Blowouts by Area [BCOGC-41720]
This report identifies drilling kicks and blowouts reported to the OGC
Reservoir Engineering
Inactive Wells [BCOGC-41780]
This report identifies inactive wells. Inactive wells are defined as follows:
1) Special Sour Wells where 6 months has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
2) Non Special Sour Wells where 1 year has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
3) Observation Wells where 3 years has elapsed since the date of the last pressure survey test.
Inactive Well Warning [BCOGC-41789]
This report identifies wells that will become inactive in the next 6 months if no activity is recorded.
Inactive wells are defined as follows:
1) Special Sour Wells where 6 months has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
2) Non Special Sour Wells where 1 year has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
3) Observation Wells where 3 years has elapsed since the date of the last pressure survey test.
Suspended Wells [BCOGC-41798]
This report identifies inactive wells that have been suspended by the Oil and Gas Regulator.
Data Downloads
Plant Capacities [BCOGC-42080]
Plant Capacities in Ascii Format with Comma Delimiter
Data Downloads
Reserves Data [BCOGC-42194]
Reserves data for all oil and gas pools in BC
Sump Locations [BCOGC-44389]
Locations of sump sites used for drilling waste disposal. All Operators in British Columbia are required to handle and dispose of drilling waste in accordance with the requirements of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation and the Oil and Gas Handbook. The Waste Disposal application requires that each company maintain an inventory of sump/pit data. A pit is an earthen excavation for purposes of containing drilling waste. A sump is a grouping of one or more pits found at a geographic location.
Activity Levels
Short Term Use of Water (Proposed) [BCOGC-44398]
Point locations indicating proposed applications for short term water use for oil and gas development. This dataset contains spatial data for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).
Changes In and About a Stream (Permitted) [BCOGC-44411]
Point locations for approved activities for changes in and around a stream. Common changes in and about a stream activities include the construction, maintenance and removal of watercourse crossings and crossing structures. Other types of works that comprise changes in and about a stream include stream diversion, stream bank erosion protection and/or stabilization, debris removal, beaver dam management, etc. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006.
Short Term Use of Water (Permitted) [BCOGC-44424]
Point locations indicating approved activities for short-term water use for oil and gas development. Approved short-term water use approvals receive an authorization under Section 10 of the Water Sustainability Act. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006.
Water Management Basins [BCOGC-44435]
Water management basins define locations of water withdrawal when applying for a basin Section 8 application. If it is not possible for a company to pre-define all locations of water withdrawal, companies are then able to apply for a basin Section 8 approval. A basin Section 8 approval allows for withdrawals of up to 45 m3/day, to a maximum of 5,000 m3/year, specified to a drainage basin or basins. Basin Section 8 approvals are limited to small water uses where it is not possible to pre-define withdrawal points, including geophysical exploration, winter ice road construction, dust suppression, hydrostatic testing of pipelines, and other uses, provided the volume use restrictions can be met.
Pipeline Rights of Way (Permitted) [BCOGC-44452]
Land authorizations representing the right of way for pipeline activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction pipeline rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006.
Pipeline Segments (Permitted) [BCOGC-44461]
Pipeline centre-lines associated with oil and gas pipeline activity and falling within the area representing the pipeline right of way.
Pipeline Rights of Ways (Proposed) [BCOGC-44469]
Applications for land authorizations representing the right of way for pipeline activities. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).
Pipeline Installations (Permitted) [BCOGC-44477]
Pipeline installations associated with an oil and gas pipeline activity. Installations include such features as flare stacks, generators, line heaters, pumps, risers, tanks and valves.
Facility Locations (Pre-2016) [BCOGC-44497]
Point features for facility loations submitted to the BCER prior to July 11, 2016. Facility point locations are located in the middle of the quarter unit or quarter section as determined from the National Topographic System (NTS) or Dominion Land Survey (DLS) legal locations.
Well Surface Hole Locations (Permitted) [BCOGC-44513]
Provides non-confidential information about the surface location of a well. The status view provides information on the current status of the surface hole.