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Reservoir Engineering

Engineering Projects [BCOGC-44782]

BCER Special Project approvals may be issued, upon application, under the authority of Section 75 of the Oil and Gas Activities Act. Projects grant the applicant permission, under specific conditions, for the purpose of disposal, storage, extracting oil and/or natural gas in the most efficient way that will result in maximization of resource recovery and benefit to the Crown, balanced with surface impact and socio-economic factors.

Reservoir Engineering

Commingling Areas [BCOGC-44791]

Commingled production is the flow of fluids, originating from two or more pools, in an unsegregated manner to a well measurement meter. Production may be commingled down-hole in the well-bore or at the surface prior to metering. Commingling may occur at any point in the life of a well, from initial design to a re-completion late in the life of a well. Commingling is a method to maximize the total recoverable hydrocarbons from a well. Commingling provides an opportunity to produce zones that may be individually uneconomic to produce, either initially or after having declined to marginal rates. Commingling may also help to lift liquids to the surface that would otherwise hinder production.

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