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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

8 items

Data Downloads

Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]

Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.

Data Downloads

Drilling Data for All Wells in BC [BCOGC-41984]

Drilling data for all wells in BC. This includes well casing and cementing, completions and work-overs, reservoir pressure tests and fluid analysis. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Hydraulic Fracture Summary Data [BCOGC-42066]

Hydraulic fracture summary data

Data Downloads

Production Data [BCOGC-42126]

Production data for all wells in BC. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Reserves Data [BCOGC-42194]

Reserves data for all oil and gas pools in BC

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites (All) [BCOGC-60047]

This data-set includes all dormant sites as defined in the Dormancy Regulation.

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites (By Dormancy Type) [BCOGC-60072]

This data-set joins the “live external report of Dormant Sites” that is available on the BC Energy Regulator’s website and joins it to the geometry of the existing Wells Surface Hole data-set. Dormant sites are classified as either Type A, B, C, or Priority Sites as defined in Section 4 of the Dormancy Regulation and are captured on individual layers. Note that at this time there are no Type C, or Priority sites.

Type A: This data is filtered to show only the Type A dormant sites. As defined in Section 4(1) of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation Type A dormant sites are those sites that have not met the thresholds for activity as of December 31, 2018 for five consecutive calendar years. The thresholds for activity are defined in Section 3 of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation. This is point in time data presented as of January 1, 2021.

Type B: This data is filtered to show only the Type B dormant sites. Section 4(2) of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation defines Type B sites as sites that become dormant (meet the activity thresholds for five consecutive calendar years) between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2023. This is point in time data presented as of January 1, 2021.

Priority Sites: This data is filtered to show only the sites that have been designated as priority sites under section 5 of the DSR. Priority sites are subject to expedited timelines for closure activities. As of September 2021, 35 priority sites have been designated by the Commissioner.

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