The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.
7 items
Data Downloads
Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]
Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.
Drilling Kicks and Blowouts by Area [BCOGC-41720]
This report identifies drilling kicks and blowouts reported to the OGC
Sump Locations [BCOGC-44389]
Locations of sump sites used for drilling waste disposal. All Operators in British Columbia are required to handle and dispose of drilling waste in accordance with the requirements of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation and the Oil and Gas Handbook. The Waste Disposal application requires that each company maintain an inventory of sump/pit data. A pit is an earthen excavation for purposes of containing drilling waste. A sump is a grouping of one or more pits found at a geographic location.
Activity Levels
BC Production Dashboard [BCOGC-179311]
The BC Production Dashboard provides comprehensive provincial hydrocarbon production data in a highly interactive and user-friendly interface. Users can explore production data across various dimensions, such as geography (basins or province-wide), operator, product type or well vintage – or down to the level of an individual well. Well drilling data is also available.