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BCER NEBC Annual Status Data [BCOGC-182231]

The BCER NEBC Annual Status datasets are updated and published annually by the BC Energy Regulator to evaluate the level of disturbance in designated areas in northeast BC. These datasets include a disturbance metric for Old Growth Management Areas (OGMA), Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWR). This information is useful in operational planning and decision making to support consideration of management development allowance, in OGMA, and material adverse effect, in WHA and UWR. This annual disturbance assessment helps to define the level of risk to designated areas and helps the regulator to assess changes overtime. Riparian Reserve Zones are also included in the BCER NEBC Annual Status. This dataset provides a spatial representation of riparian areas and reports riparian disturbance at the water management basin level for consideration under Environmental Protection and Management Regulation. The riparian data is sourced from the Fresh Water Atlas. Field validation of this data is encouraged in development planning.

Usage and interpretation: Jacqueline Howard, Environmental Management Specialist, Responsible Development & Stewardship

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