The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.
6 items
Geophysical Lines (Permitted) [BCOGC-44932]
Geophysical exploration is an oil and gas activity under the Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) and is specifically defined in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act (PNG) Act as investigation of the subsurface by seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, electric and geochemical operations and by any other method approved by the BC Energy Regulator, but does not include the use of geophysical well logs, vertical seismic profile surveys or other surveys obtained from a well. This dataset contains line features for approved and final plan geophysical activity collected on or after October 30, 2006.
Geophysical Plans (1996-2004) [BCOGC-44942]
Geophysical programs study the physical characteristics and properties of subsurface formations relating to oil and gas deposits, derived artificially by explosives or other means to map subsurface structure. Final plan spatial data is included for applications received between 1996 and 2004. Final plans identify the locations cleared at the conclusion of all operations.
Geophysical Plans (2002-2006) [BCOGC-44952]
Geophysical programs study the physical characteristics and properties of subsurface formations relating to oil and gas deposits, derived artificially by explosives or other means to map subsurface structure. Final plan spatial data is included for applications received between 2002 and 2006. Final plans identify the locations cleared at the conclusion of all operations.
Geophysical Ancillary Points (Pre-2016) [BCOGC-44962]
Ancillary features include camp sites, decking sites, drill sites, helipads or staging areas. This dataset contains spatial data collected through the BCER's electronic Petroleum Application Submission System (ePASS) on or after October 30, 2006. All ancillary features for final plan geophysical applications with a status of approved are included.
Legacy 2D Seismic Lines with Ecology Data [BCOGC-130319]
This dataset is a value-added product derived from multiple spatial data sources, including but not limited to, TRIM Miscellaneous Lines, vegetation resource inventories, historical wildfires, caribou herd locations, consolidated cutblocks and generalized forest cover ownership.
3D Seismic Line Ecological Recovery [BCOGC-145085]
This dataset is a value-added product derived from the BCER Geophysical Lines (Permitted) dataset; high-resolution satellite imagery was used to assess the condition of 3D seismic lines in a pilot study area to evaluate the current level of natural regeneration on 3D seismic lines. The information is useful in assessing the current condition of 3D seismic lines in the area and may be useful in potentially supporting restoration programs.