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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

4 items

Orphan Sites

Orphan Sites [BCOGC-106928]

This dataset lists all designated well or facility orphan sites (individual pad sites), each of which may contain well(s), and/or facility equipment, and pipeline segments. Each site's decommissioning and restoration progress (status) is provided. For a KML, please choose the third layer option - 'Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images.'

Orphan Sites

Orphan Wells [BCOGC-106989]

This dataset lists the wells (WAs) that are located on orphan sites, where permanent plugging (abandonment/decommissioning) is managed by the Orphan Fund. The current status of each well is provided. For a KML, please choose the third layer option - 'Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images.'

Orphan Sites

Orphan Pipelines [BCOGC-107015]

This dataset lists all designated pipeline orphan sites, each of which only contains pipeline segment(s). Each site's decommissioning and restoration progress (status) is provided.

Orphan Sites

Orphan Sites and Open Activities [BCOGC-143962]

This report lists all designated orphan sites (individual pad sites), each of which may contain well(s), facility equipment, and/or pipeline segments, as well as planned activities on orphan sites for the current operational year.

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