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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

41 items


Facility Locations (Permitted) [BCOGC-2668]

Facilities are an oil and gas activity, defined in the Oil and Gas Activities Act as a system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment used to gather, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas, water or a substance referred to in paragraph (d) or (e) of the definition of pipeline. This dataset contains point features collected on or after July 11, 2016 for approved facility locations


Sump Locations [BCOGC-44389]

Locations of sump sites used for drilling waste disposal. All Operators in British Columbia are required to handle and dispose of drilling waste in accordance with the requirements of the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation and the Oil and Gas Handbook. The Waste Disposal application requires that each company maintain an inventory of sump/pit data. A pit is an earthen excavation for purposes of containing drilling waste. A sump is a grouping of one or more pits found at a geographic location.

Activity Levels

Short Term Use of Water (Proposed) [BCOGC-44398]

Point locations indicating proposed applications for short term water use for oil and gas development. This dataset contains spatial data for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).


Changes In and About a Stream (Permitted) [BCOGC-44411]

Point locations for approved activities for changes in and around a stream. Common changes in and about a stream activities include the construction, maintenance and removal of watercourse crossings and crossing structures. Other types of works that comprise changes in and about a stream include stream diversion, stream bank erosion protection and/or stabilization, debris removal, beaver dam management, etc. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Short Term Use of Water (Permitted) [BCOGC-44424]

Point locations indicating approved activities for short-term water use for oil and gas development. Approved short-term water use approvals receive an authorization under Section 10 of the Water Sustainability Act. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Water Management Basins [BCOGC-44435]

Water management basins define locations of water withdrawal when applying for a basin Section 8 application. If it is not possible for a company to pre-define all locations of water withdrawal, companies are then able to apply for a basin Section 8 approval. A basin Section 8 approval allows for withdrawals of up to 45 m3/day, to a maximum of 5,000 m3/year, specified to a drainage basin or basins. Basin Section 8 approvals are limited to small water uses where it is not possible to pre-define withdrawal points, including geophysical exploration, winter ice road construction, dust suppression, hydrostatic testing of pipelines, and other uses, provided the volume use restrictions can be met.


Pipeline Rights of Way (Permitted) [BCOGC-44452]

Land authorizations representing the right of way for pipeline activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction pipeline rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Pipeline Segments (Permitted) [BCOGC-44461]

Pipeline centre-lines associated with oil and gas pipeline activity and falling within the area representing the pipeline right of way.


Pipeline Rights of Ways (Proposed) [BCOGC-44469]

Applications for land authorizations representing the right of way for pipeline activities. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).


Pipeline Installations (Permitted) [BCOGC-44477]

Pipeline installations associated with an oil and gas pipeline activity. Installations include such features as flare stacks, generators, line heaters, pumps, risers, tanks and valves.


Facility Locations (Pre-2016) [BCOGC-44497]

Point features for facility loations submitted to the BCER prior to July 11, 2016. Facility point locations are located in the middle of the quarter unit or quarter section as determined from the National Topographic System (NTS) or Dominion Land Survey (DLS) legal locations.


Well Surface Hole Locations (Permitted) [BCOGC-44513]

Provides non-confidential information about the surface location of a well. The status view provides information on the current status of the surface hole.


Well and Facility Areas (Permitted) [BCOGC-44522]

Land authorizations for areas on which well or facility activities can occur. This dataset contains spatial data collected on or after October 30, 2006. The spatial data includes approved and post-construction land areas associated with well or facility activities.


Well and Facility Areas (Proposed) [BCOGC-44530]

Applications for land authorization on which well or facility activities can occur. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).


Sierra Yoyo Desan Road (SYD Road) [BCOGC-44540]

The Sierra-Yoyo-Desan (SYD) assessable area is comprised of parts of NTS mapsheets 094J, 094I, 094O and all of 094P. Activities located within or accessed through the SYD Assessable Area are indicated on applications provided to the BCER. Road use charges are determined by oil and gas applications falling within the SYD road assessable area.


BC Ministry of Transportation Rights of Ways [BCOGC-44549]

The area of Crown land disturbance for applications falling within a Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) road allowance. The BC Energy Regulator issues cutting permits for any new Crown land disturbance within Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) unconstructed road allowances. The Regulator does not issue land tenure over MOTI right of ways. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).


Road Segments (Permitted) [BCOGC-44557]

Road centre-lines associated with oil and gas road activity and falling within the area representing the road right of way. This dataset contains line features for approved road centre-line locations collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Road Rights of Ways (Permitted) [BCOGC-44565]

Land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. The spatial data includes polygon data for approved and post-construction road rights of way collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Petroleum Development Roads (Pre-2006) [BCOGC-44573]

Petroleum Development Road (PDR) applications can apply to proposed construction or to existing non status tenured roads over any Crown Land without disposition preventing road construction, and/or use of non-status, unencumbered existing access roads on Crown Land. These applications are approved under the Petroleum Natural Gas Act, Section 8 and subject to the Petroleum Development Road Regulation. Only sections of the proposed PDR located on Crown Land will be issued status under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, Section 8. PDR status does not apply to sections of road located on private lands or Indian Reserve lands. This dataset includes spatial data for PDR applications received before October 30, 2006 with a status of Approved, In Progress or Interim Approval.


Road Rights of Ways (Proposed) [BCOGC-44581]

Applications for land authorizations representing the road right of way for road activities. This dataset contains polygon features for proposed applications collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS).


Oil and Gas Fields [BCOGC-44593]

A pool, or group of pools, within a specified geographic area that contain oil or natural gas. Fields are not specific to producing geological formation(s). Fields are used for well naming purposes relative to the well site surface coordinates and the objective formation of the well.


Well Naming Index [BCOGC-44619]

Index of geographic names and associated areas which provide geographic references in the naming of wells where few pre-existing oil and gas fields have been designated. The areas in the well naming index are to be used for well naming only if the well is outside of any existing field boundary.


Pool Designation Areas [BCOGC-44631]

The gridded geographic area of specific pools respecting pool contours and gas and oil spacing areas within the DLS and NTS survey systems.


Permit Condition Areas [BCOGC-44772]

Oil and Gas Permit Condition Areas

Reservoir Engineering

Engineering Projects [BCOGC-44782]

BCER Special Project approvals may be issued, upon application, under the authority of Section 75 of the Oil and Gas Activities Act. Projects grant the applicant permission, under specific conditions, for the purpose of disposal, storage, extracting oil and/or natural gas in the most efficient way that will result in maximization of resource recovery and benefit to the Crown, balanced with surface impact and socio-economic factors.

Reservoir Engineering

Commingling Areas [BCOGC-44791]

Commingled production is the flow of fluids, originating from two or more pools, in an unsegregated manner to a well measurement meter. Production may be commingled down-hole in the well-bore or at the surface prior to metering. Commingling may occur at any point in the life of a well, from initial design to a re-completion late in the life of a well. Commingling is a method to maximize the total recoverable hydrocarbons from a well. Commingling provides an opportunity to produce zones that may be individually uneconomic to produce, either initially or after having declined to marginal rates. Commingling may also help to lift liquids to the surface that would otherwise hinder production.


Regional Fields [BCOGC-44808]

Geographic outline of large, unconventional natural gas accumulations that are specific to a geological formation. Regional fields cover an expansive area which is too large to provide a meaningful geographic reference and consequently are not to be used for well naming purposes.


Pool Contours [BCOGC-44827]

Net pay thickness mapping of oil and gas reservoir development within a specific pool.


Pool Breaklines [BCOGC-44837]

A breakline is a type of structural fault, pool contact, provincial/territorial boundary or other pool feature that influences the shape of the net pay contours. It may also be a corresponding gas cap or oil leg outline.


Associated and Ancillary Areas (Permitted) [BCOGC-44848]

This dataset contains spatial data for approved and post construction features for National Energy Board (NEB) related ancillary features and Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) associated oil and gas activities collected on or after October 30, 2006. Associated oil and gas activities are related activities which require the use of Crown land and require an authorization under either the Land Act or the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. The dataset includes polygon features such as campsites, workspaces, deck sites, staging areas, and other temporary disturbances.


Associated and Ancillary Areas (Proposed) [BCOGC-44858]

This dataset contains spatial data for proposed applications for National Energy Board (NEB) related ancillary features and Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) associated oil and gas activities collected through the BC Energy Regulator's Application Management System (AMS). Associated oil and gas activities are related activities which require the use of Crown land and require an authorization under either the Land Act or the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. The dataset includes polygon features such as campsites, workspaces, deck sites, staging areas, and other temporary disturbances.


Construction Corridors (Proposed) [BCOGC-44869]

Applications for spatial areas occurring on Crown land in which oil and gas activities will take place. Construction corridors allow for flexibility in the movement, placement and construction of oil and gas activity.

Areas Established by the Regulator [BCOGC-44879]

Areas where the BCER has identified that enhanced management or an enhanced review process is required. These areas generally have high ecological sensitivity and/or public use or recreation.


Administrative Zones [BCOGC-44889]

The Oil and Gas Regulator has broken application areas into a regional model structure encompassing areas of the Province. These geographic zones are used to accommodate application processing for oil and gas activities.

Unconventional Play Trends [BCOGC-44899]

Unconventional play trends depict the general location and extent of unconventional hydrocarbon resources. Play trends will change over time as knowledge of the resource increases. Current examples of unconventional play trends include the Montney, Liard, Cordova and Horn River Basin plays.

Liability Management

Liability Management Areas [BCOGC-44909]

The BCER Liability layer identifies the regional zones for application submission purposes.

Management Areas [BCOGC-44919]

Oil and Gas Management Areas depict the general spatial extent of management areas with similar surface land use issues. These management areas will be used for research projects, coordinated efforts and oil and gas area specific regulations.


Geophysical Lines (Permitted) [BCOGC-44932]

Geophysical exploration is an oil and gas activity under the Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) and is specifically defined in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act (PNG) Act as investigation of the subsurface by seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, electric and geochemical operations and by any other method approved by the BC Energy Regulator, but does not include the use of geophysical well logs, vertical seismic profile surveys or other surveys obtained from a well. This dataset contains line features for approved and final plan geophysical activity collected on or after October 30, 2006.


Geophysical Plans (2002-2006) [BCOGC-44952]

Geophysical programs study the physical characteristics and properties of subsurface formations relating to oil and gas deposits, derived artificially by explosives or other means to map subsurface structure. Final plan spatial data is included for applications received between 2002 and 2006. Final plans identify the locations cleared at the conclusion of all operations.


Geophysical Ancillary Points (Pre-2016) [BCOGC-44962]

Ancillary features include camp sites, decking sites, drill sites, helipads or staging areas. This dataset contains spatial data collected through the BCER's electronic Petroleum Application Submission System (ePASS) on or after October 30, 2006. All ancillary features for final plan geophysical applications with a status of approved are included.

Data Downloads

Oil and Gas Surface Land Use [BCOGC-115661]

Surface Land Use (SLU) is a mechanism to measure surface disturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land area attributed to historical and current oil and gas activities. Each year the Regulator calculates the total surface area used by oil and gas activities. This product is updated annually.

Contact: Laurie Welch, Executive Director, Responsible Stewardship

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