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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

44 items

Active Oil and Gas Operators [BCOGC-2308]

Report showing all active oil and gas operators in BC.

Data Downloads

Directional Survey Data [BCOGC-2354]

All directional survey data. Please choose your preferred download format.


First Nations Consultations Summary [BCOGC-2867]

This report summarizes the FN Consultation Summary for applications in progress


NCS Submitted Dates [BCOGC-2161]

A report listing all Notice of Construction Starts (NCS) that have been submitted. The report includes NCS submitted via esubmission, NCS submitted via KERMIT and legacy submissions entered via IRIS.


Operator Road Report [BCOGC-2188]

Report listing roads by operator

Reservoir Engineering

Complete FracFocus Data [BCOGC-2643]

Disclosure of composition of hydraulic fracture fluid compositions for wells, listed by fracture date.

Reservoir Engineering

Hydrocarbon Liquid Analysis [BCOGC-2801]

Hydrocarbon liquid analysis (condensate & pentane plus) sampled from wells

Activity Levels

Applications Approved [BCOGC-2818]

All approved applications with a decision date filter

Activity Levels

Applications In-Progress [BCOGC-2810]

All applications in progress by application number, status, activity type, and task types

Activity Levels

Facility Liability Report [BCOGC-2834]

Information on the liability associated with a specific facility as determined by the Liability Management team

Activity Levels

Well Liability Report [BCOGC-2826]

Information on the liability associated with a specific well as determined by the Liability Management team

Data Downloads

Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]

Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.


Number Of Wells Drilled In B.C. [BCOGC-2177]

This report shows the number of wells drilled in B.C. for the selected dates.


Surface Casing Vent Flow Database [BCOGC-2883]

Authorized wells by surface location including mode codes, operations types, and flow rates


Well Authorizations Approved - Monthly by Status [BCOGC-2875]

This report shows the number of well authorizations approved by status in B.C. for the selected dates.

Data Downloads

Well Authorizations Issued [BCOGC-2858]

List of authorized wells by permit number, WA number, location, operator and an approval date filter


Wells Drilled By Status [BCOGC-2230]

This report shows the number of wells drilled by status in B.C. for the selected year.


Well Lookup and Reports [BCOGC-40527]

Credentials to logon are required to view this report.


Facility Inventory [BCOGC-41090]

All active facilities by permit number, operator, and facility number


Facility Detail Status [BCOGC-41110]

Facilities by the facility status, including permit number, facility ID, operator and other facility details


Publication of WA data uploads to eLibrary [BCOGC-41120]

Well publications posted on the FTP website by Records

Dormant Sites

Dormancy Status [BCOGC-41130]

Summarizes dormancy status for wells, facilities and pipelines as per the Dormancy Regulation

Reservoir Engineering

BC Total Production [BCOGC-41143]

Provides a summary of production products from BC wells with an option to filter for time period, area and/or formation


Well Surface Abandonment [BCOGC-41437]

This report identifies wells with a current status of Abandoned and Casing has been Cut Off


Drilling Kicks and Blowouts by Area [BCOGC-41720]

This report identifies drilling kicks and blowouts reported to the OGC

Reservoir Engineering

Inactive Wells [BCOGC-41780]

This report identifies inactive wells. Inactive wells are defined as follows:
1) Special Sour Wells where 6 months has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
2) Non Special Sour Wells where 1 year has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
3) Observation Wells where 3 years has elapsed since the date of the last pressure survey test.


Inactive Well Warning [BCOGC-41789]

This report identifies wells that will become inactive in the next 6 months if no activity is recorded.
Inactive wells are defined as follows:
1) Special Sour Wells where 6 months has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
2) Non Special Sour Wells where 1 year has elapsed since the date of the last activity.
3) Observation Wells where 3 years has elapsed since the date of the last pressure survey test.


Suspended Wells [BCOGC-41798]

This report identifies inactive wells that have been suspended by the Oil and Gas Regulator.


Permit Status [BCOGC-60753]

The Permit Status report summarizes the status of a permit and shows when a permit is expected to be expiring, and which permits have expired. The permit number, operator and activity details are all included in this report.


Well information for Use in Methane Leak Detection Survey Planning [BCOGC-60971]

List of wells with production in the last 12 months, showing current operator, surface location, area and formation.


Well and KERMIT Facility IDs [BCOGC-69968]

A list of WA Numbers, KERMIT Facility IDs, Operators and Well Surface Locations

Reservoir Engineering

Disposal Well Dashboard [BCOGC-90772]

This tool combines operational data and approval information into plots and data tables for wells approved and operating for disposal of produced water and nonhazardous waste. Additionally, the Dashboard utilizes this data to estimate and display the remaining volume and date of disposal capacity fill-up. The Dashboard also allows for the export of disposal well approval information in csv/Excel format.


Casing and Cement [BCOGC-111274]


Abandonment Notice [BCOGC-111293]

Wells for which an abandonment notice has been submitted


Plant Capacities with Facility Statuses [BCOGC-112554]

Plant capacities with facility statuses. Mimics the report from data downloads, but with the added facility status column

Compliance and Enforcement

Submissions Due [BCOGC-130003]

This report lists upcoming and past due well data submissions. The report can be filtered and sorted by permit holder (“operator”), submission type, and a selection of other data fields. Permit holders are expected to use this information to help manage their reporting timelines and stay in compliance with legislated requirements for information submissions.

Data Downloads

RSEA Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat [BCOGC-132738]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat represents the core effective winter forage and shelter habitat for moose in Northeast British Columbia.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Data Downloads

RSEA Old Forest Assessment [BCOGC-132789]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Old Forest 140 spatial data is a value-added product derived from an unspecified vintage of the annually updated Forest Vegetation Composite Polygons and Rank1 Layer (VRI) that represents forest stands 140 years and older, that is contiguous.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Orphan Sites

Orphan Sites and Open Activities [BCOGC-143962]

This report lists all designated orphan sites (individual pad sites), each of which may contain well(s), facility equipment, and/or pipeline segments, as well as planned activities on orphan sites for the current operational year.


Well Flare and Facility Volumetrics including Flare, Vent & Fuel Data [BCOGC-162511]

This report includes Petrinex and pre-Petrinex (prior to November 2018) reported data for wells and facilities in the province of British Columbia.


Well Flare Data [BCOGC-167844]


External Well Population Report [BCOGC-168553]

The report quantifies and illustrates the population of wells permitted in BC by status. The user is able to select a report year to illustrate the population of wells by status at the end of the calendar year, as well as how the populations change over time.

Activity Levels

BC Production Dashboard [BCOGC-179311]

The BC Production Dashboard provides comprehensive provincial hydrocarbon production data in a highly interactive and user-friendly interface. Users can explore production data across various dimensions, such as geography (basins or province-wide), operator, product type or well vintage – or down to the level of an individual well. Well drilling data is also available.

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