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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

20 items

Data Downloads

Directional Survey Data [BCOGC-2354]

All directional survey data. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Monthly Drilling Report [BCOGC-2850]

Monthly drilling statistics provided in two formats.

Data Downloads

Drilling Data for All Wells in BC [BCOGC-41984]

Drilling data for all wells in BC. This includes well casing and cementing, completions and work-overs, reservoir pressure tests and fluid analysis. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Hydraulic Fracture Summary Data [BCOGC-42066]

Hydraulic fracture summary data

Data Downloads

Plant Capacities [BCOGC-42080]

Plant Capacities in Ascii Format with Comma Delimiter

Data Downloads

Production Data [BCOGC-42126]

Production data for all wells in BC. Please choose your preferred download format.

Data Downloads

Reserves Data [BCOGC-42194]

Reserves data for all oil and gas pools in BC

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites (All) [BCOGC-60047]

This data-set includes all dormant sites as defined in the Dormancy Regulation.

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites (By Dormancy Type) [BCOGC-60072]

This data-set joins the “live external report of Dormant Sites” that is available on the BC Energy Regulator’s website and joins it to the geometry of the existing Wells Surface Hole data-set. Dormant sites are classified as either Type A, B, C, or Priority Sites as defined in Section 4 of the Dormancy Regulation and are captured on individual layers. Note that at this time there are no Type C, or Priority sites.

Type A: This data is filtered to show only the Type A dormant sites. As defined in Section 4(1) of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation Type A dormant sites are those sites that have not met the thresholds for activity as of December 31, 2018 for five consecutive calendar years. The thresholds for activity are defined in Section 3 of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation. This is point in time data presented as of January 1, 2021.

Type B: This data is filtered to show only the Type B dormant sites. Section 4(2) of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation defines Type B sites as sites that become dormant (meet the activity thresholds for five consecutive calendar years) between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2023. This is point in time data presented as of January 1, 2021.

Priority Sites: This data is filtered to show only the sites that have been designated as priority sites under section 5 of the DSR. Priority sites are subject to expedited timelines for closure activities. As of September 2021, 35 priority sites have been designated by the Commissioner.

Dormant Sites

Approved Liability Reduction Plan (LRP) Sites (as of May 2021) [BCOGC-60099]

This data-set compiles the surface locations of all sites that are included within Liability Reduction Plans (LRPs) that the Regulator has approved. Permit holders with greater than 100 Type A dormant sites are allowed to apply for an LRP. As of May 2021 only three LRPs have been applied for and approved.

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites Annual Work Plans [BCOGC-60133]

This data-set compiles into one location the information contained within permit holders’ Annual Work Plan submissions which are required under Section 11 of the Dormancy & Shutdown Regulation (DSR). The Annual Work Plan reflects what closure work (decommissioning, assessment, or restoration) permit holders intend to complete during a given calendar year. In many cases the data will include sites which are non-dormant where closure work is planned. This is an annual update that uses an inventory of dormant sites and joins it to the geometry of the existing Wells Surface Hole data-set. The Wells Surface Hole data-set provides non-confidential information about the surface location of a well.

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites Annual Reports [BCOGC-60148]

This data-set compiles into one location the information contained within permit holders’ Annual Report submissions, which are required under Section 12 of the Dormancy & Shutdown Regulation (DSR). The Annual Report reflects what closure work (decommissioning, assessment, or restoration activities) a permit holder accomplished during a given calendar year. In many cases, the data includes sites, which are non-dormant where closure work was completed. This is an annual update that uses an inventory of dormant sites and joins it to the geometry of the existing Wells Surface Hole data-set. The Wells Surface Hole data-set provides non-confidential information about the surface location of a well.


Velocity Model for BC Heritage Montney Area [BCOGC-124442]

This earth velocity data is used to calculate the location of seismic events. For more information, please contact

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites – Designated Priority Sites [BCOGC-85002]

This dataset compiles the surface locations of all dormant sites that have been designated as priority sites under the Dormancy & Shutdown Regulation (DSR). Priority site designations are site-specific, and they take into account the following considerations: the age of the site; public safety, including human health; the environment; social and agricultural values; impacts on local communities; cultural and environmental values of local Indigenous Nations; and the capacity and portfolio of the permit holder. More information about the priority site designation process is available on the Regulator’s website here:

Data Downloads

Oil and Gas Surface Land Use [BCOGC-115661]

Surface Land Use (SLU) is a mechanism to measure surface disturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land area attributed to historical and current oil and gas activities. Each year the Regulator calculates the total surface area used by oil and gas activities. This product is updated annually.

Contact: Laurie Welch, Executive Director, Responsible Stewardship


Legacy 2D Seismic Lines with Ecology Data [BCOGC-130319]

This dataset is a value-added product derived from multiple spatial data sources, including but not limited to, TRIM Miscellaneous Lines, vegetation resource inventories, historical wildfires, caribou herd locations, consolidated cutblocks and generalized forest cover ownership.

Data Downloads

RSEA Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat [BCOGC-132738]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat represents the core effective winter forage and shelter habitat for moose in Northeast British Columbia.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Data Downloads

RSEA Old Forest Assessment [BCOGC-132789]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Old Forest 140 spatial data is a value-added product derived from an unspecified vintage of the annually updated Forest Vegetation Composite Polygons and Rank1 Layer (VRI) that represents forest stands 140 years and older, that is contiguous.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

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