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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

54 items


Well Flare and Facility Volumetrics including Flare, Vent & Fuel Data [BCOGC-162511]

This report includes Petrinex and pre-Petrinex (prior to November 2018) reported data for wells and facilities in the province of British Columbia.


Well Flare Data [BCOGC-167844]


External Well Population Report [BCOGC-168553]

The report quantifies and illustrates the population of wells permitted in BC by status. The user is able to select a report year to illustrate the population of wells by status at the end of the calendar year, as well as how the populations change over time.

Activity Levels

BC Production Dashboard [BCOGC-179311]

The BC Production Dashboard provides comprehensive provincial hydrocarbon production data in a highly interactive and user-friendly interface. Users can explore production data across various dimensions, such as geography (basins or province-wide), operator, product type or well vintage – or down to the level of an individual well. Well drilling data is also available.

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