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The BC Energy Regulator offers access to a variety of online reports.

122 items


Orphan Wells [BCOGC-106989]

This dataset lists the wells (WAs) that are located on orphan sites, where permanent plugging (abandonment/decommissioning) is managed by the Orphan Fund. The current status of each well is provided. For a KML, please choose the third layer option - 'Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images.'

Orphan Sites

Orphan Pipelines [BCOGC-107015]

This dataset lists all designated pipeline orphan sites, each of which only contains pipeline segment(s). Each site's decommissioning and restoration progress (status) is provided.


Casing and Cement [BCOGC-111274]


Abandonment Notice [BCOGC-111293]

Wells for which an abandonment notice has been submitted


Plant Capacities with Facility Statuses [BCOGC-112554]

Plant capacities with facility statuses. Mimics the report from data downloads, but with the added facility status column

Data Downloads

Oil and Gas Surface Land Use [BCOGC-115661]

Surface Land Use (SLU) is a mechanism to measure surface disturbances caused by oil and gas activity and identify the type and land area attributed to historical and current oil and gas activities. Each year the Regulator calculates the total surface area used by oil and gas activities. This product is updated annually.

Contact: Laurie Welch, Executive Director, Responsible Stewardship

Activity Levels

Drilling & Production [BCOGC-129238]

We regulate oil and gas activity and are responsive to changes in activity levels, in order to protect the integrity of B.C.’s environment and water resources. As technology evolves, average reserves per new well continues to increase, enabling drilling to replace and increase production with fewer new locations.


Water Allocation & Use [BCOGC-129247]

Water is an essential component in many energy resource operations, used for purposes such as hydraulic fracturing, drilling wells, and dust control. This data narrative covers the annual allocation and actual use of water authorized by the Regulator for energy resource activities across the province.


Northeast B.C. Seismicity Map [BCOGC-129255]

This map displays recent and past seismic events of greater than local magnitude 1.5 that were recorded in the northeast region of British Columbia.

Dormant Sites

Dormant Sites Map [BCOGC-129263]

This map allows users to identify information on dormant sites, filter by operator and status, and search for dormant sites by location and well authorization number. Orphan Sites can also be shown on the map and include wells, facilities, pipelines and associated areas where a company is declared bankrupt or cannot be located.

Compliance and Enforcement

Submissions Due [BCOGC-130003]

This report lists upcoming and past due well data submissions. The report can be filtered and sorted by permit holder (“operator”), submission type, and a selection of other data fields. Permit holders are expected to use this information to help manage their reporting timelines and stay in compliance with legislated requirements for information submissions.


Legacy 2D Seismic Lines with Ecology Data [BCOGC-130319]

This dataset is a value-added product derived from multiple spatial data sources, including but not limited to, TRIM Miscellaneous Lines, vegetation resource inventories, historical wildfires, caribou herd locations, consolidated cutblocks and generalized forest cover ownership.

Data Downloads

RSEA Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat [BCOGC-132738]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Moose Core Effective Suitable Habitat represents the core effective winter forage and shelter habitat for moose in Northeast British Columbia.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:

Data Downloads

RSEA Old Forest Assessment [BCOGC-132789]

The Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (RSEA) Old Forest 140 spatial data is a value-added product derived from an unspecified vintage of the annually updated Forest Vegetation Composite Polygons and Rank1 Layer (VRI) that represents forest stands 140 years and older, that is contiguous.

Dataset Inquiries:
Angela White, Section Head, Resource Stewardship Operations, Northeast Region.
Jennifer Brooks, NE Geospatial Services Team Lead.

BCER Inquiries:


Leak, Detection and Repair Data for Wells and Facilities (2020) [BCOGC-133942]

2020 Leak Detection and Repair Data for wells and facilities and the 2020 Equivalency Report.

Orphan Sites

Orphan Sites and Open Activities [BCOGC-143962]

This report lists all designated orphan sites (individual pad sites), each of which may contain well(s), facility equipment, and/or pipeline segments, as well as planned activities on orphan sites for the current operational year.


3D Seismic Line Ecological Recovery [BCOGC-145085]

This dataset is a value-added product derived from the BCER Geophysical Lines (Permitted) dataset; high-resolution satellite imagery was used to assess the condition of 3D seismic lines in a pilot study area to evaluate the current level of natural regeneration on 3D seismic lines. The information is useful in assessing the current condition of 3D seismic lines in the area and may be useful in potentially supporting restoration programs.


Leak, Detection and Repair Data for Wells and Facilities (2022) [BCOGC-157842]

2022 Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Data for wells and facilities and the 2022 Equivalency Report.


Well Flare and Facility Volumetrics including Flare, Vent & Fuel Data [BCOGC-162511]

This report includes Petrinex and pre-Petrinex (prior to November 2018) reported data for wells and facilities in the province of British Columbia.


Well Flare Data [BCOGC-167844]


External Well Population Report [BCOGC-168553]

The report quantifies and illustrates the population of wells permitted in BC by status. The user is able to select a report year to illustrate the population of wells by status at the end of the calendar year, as well as how the populations change over time.

Activity Levels

BC Production Dashboard [BCOGC-179311]

The BC Production Dashboard provides comprehensive provincial hydrocarbon production data in a highly interactive and user-friendly interface. Users can explore production data across various dimensions, such as geography (basins or province-wide), operator, product type or well vintage – or down to the level of an individual well. Well drilling data is also available.

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