Approval documents available include both orders and explanatory cover letters for: waterflood (pressure maintenance), gas injection, innovative technology (experimental), Good Engineering Practice, disposal wells, observation wells, Concurrent Production, commingled production, and gascap blowdown.
These records span from 1964 to present-date and include any amendments made to an approval, as well as denial letters. Applications for these approvals may be requested by submission of a well data request form. The company name is that at the time of correspondence, and may not reflect the current well permit holder. The filter function allows partial entry of a single data field as search criteria.
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Osborn Gething Coplin WA 19856 Feb-07-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Osborn |
Reservoir Formation | Gething Coplin |
WA Number | 19856 |
Date Issued:
GEP PETROFUND Helmet Jean Marie 'A' Amend 1 Feb-06-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Petrofund Corp. |
Reservoir Field | Helmet |
Reservoir Formation | Jean Marie 'A' |
Date Issued:
COM PIENZA Rigel East Gething Baldonnel Interim WA 20020 Feb-06-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Pienza |
Reservoir Field | Rigel East |
Reservoir Formation | Gething Baldonnel |
WA Number | 20020 |
Date Issued:
COM CNRL Kobes Artex Halfway Doig WA 19749 Feb-03-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Kobes |
Reservoir Formation | Halfway Doig |
WA Number | 19749 |
Date Issued:
COM CNRL Shekilie Shunda Banff Feb-03-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Shekilie |
Reservoir Formation | Shunda Banff |
Date Issued:
COM DEVON Martin Baldonnel Halfway WA 7816 Feb-03-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Martin |
Reservoir Formation | Baldonnel Halfway |
WA Number | 07816 |
Date Issued:
CONCURRENT CNRL Ladyfern Bluesky 'F' WA 18051 Jan-31-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Concurrent Production |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Ladyfern |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky 'F' |
WA Number | 18051 |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Cecil, Boundary Lake WA 16151 Jan-27-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North |
Reservoir Formation | Cecil Boundary Lake |
WA Number | 16151 |
Date Issued:
COM DEVON Ojay Falher 'C' Gething Cadomin Nikanassin WA 16945 Jan-24-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Ojay |
Reservoir Formation | Falher Gething Cadomin |
WA Number | 16945 |
Date Issued:
GEP BURLINGTON Dahl Slave Point 'A' Amend 1 Jan-23-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Dahl |
Reservoir Formation | Slave Point A |
Date Issued:
GEP DEVON Martin Gething Baldonnel 'A' Jan-18-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Martin |
Reservoir Formation | Gething Baldonnel 'A' |
Date Issued:
GEP KETCH Martin Bluesky 'A' Jan-18-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Ketch Resources |
Reservoir Field | Martin |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky A |
Date Issued:
COM PROGRESS Gundy Blueberry Halfway WA 18124 Jan-17-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Progress Energy |
Reservoir Field | Gundy Creek |
Reservoir Formation | Blueberry Halfway |
WA Number | 18124 |
Date Issued:
COM BURLINGTON Ojay Cadotte Notikewin WA 19609 Jan-17-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Ojay |
Reservoir Formation | Cadotte Notikewin |
WA Number | 19609 |
Date Issued:
GEP DEVON Martin Baldonnel 'A' Jan-16-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Martin |
Reservoir Formation | Baldonnel A |
Date Issued:
GEP DUVERNAY Sundown Doig 'A' Jan-13-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Duvernay Oil C |
Reservoir Field | Sundown |
Reservoir Formation | Doig 'A' |
Date Issued:
GEP ITERATION Osborn Coplin 'C' Jan-09-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Osborn |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin C |
Date Issued:
GEP BURLINGTON Kahntah Bluesky Gething Montney 'A' Gutah Bluesky Gething Montney 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' Jan-05-06 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Kahntah River |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky Gething Montney 'A' Gutach Bluesky Gething Montney 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' |
Date Issued:
COM Deep Basin Paddy Cadotte Notikewin Falher Bluesky Gething Cadomin Nikanassin Dec-28-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Area Approval |
Reservoir Field | Deep Basin |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky Gething Cadomin |
Date Issued:
GEP SAMSON Buick Creek West Dunlevy 'B' Dec-19-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Samson Canada Ltd. |
Reservoir Field | Buick Creek West |
Reservoir Formation | Dunlevy B |
Date Issued:
GEP HARVEST Hay River Bluesky 'A' Amend Dec-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Harvest Operation Co |
Reservoir Field | Hay River |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky 'A' |
Date Issued:
COM BURLINGTON Kelly Doe Creek Falher 'A' WA 16334 Dec-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Kelly |
Reservoir Formation | Doe Creek Falher A |
WA Number | 16334 |
Date Issued:
EXP PETROCAN Clarke Lake Slave Point A Amend Dec-13-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Experimental Scheme / Innovative Technology |
Applicant | Petrocan |
Reservoir Field | Clarke Lake |
Reservoir Formation | Slave Point A |
Date Issued:
GEP BONAVISTA Buick Creek Bluesky 'C' Rigel Bluesky 'D' Amend 4 Dec-12-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Bonavista Petroleum |
Reservoir Field | Buick Creek |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky 'C' Rigel Bluesky 'D' |
Date Issued:
GEP CONCURRENT CREW Laprise Coplin 'B' Dec-12-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Concurrent Production |
Applicant | Crew Energy Ltd. |
Reservoir Field | Laprise Creek |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin B |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Osborn Baldonnel C Halfway R WA 19673 Dec-12-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North Osborn |
Reservoir Formation | Baldonnel C Halfway R |
WA Number | 19673 |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Osborn Coplin F Halfway R WA 17452 Dec-12-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin F Halfway R |
WA Number | 17452 |
Date Issued:
01517 APPR AGI TALISMAN Sukunka Pardonet Baldonnel J Dec 12 05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Acid Gas Disposal |
Applicant | Talisman Energy Canada |
Reservoir Field | Sukunka |
Reservoir Formation | Pardonet Baldonnel J |
WA Number | 01517 |
Date Issued:
00926_APPR_SWD STORM Junior Slave Point Dec-9-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Produced Water Disposal |
Applicant | Storm Exploration Inc. |
Reservoir Field | Junior |
Reservoir Formation | Slave Point |
WA Number | 00926 |
Date Issued:
COM DEVON Hiding Cadotte Falher C Interim WA 15494 Dec-08-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Hiding Creek |
Reservoir Formation | Cadotte Falher C |
WA Number | 15494 |
Date Issued:
COM BURLINGTON Hiding Falher G Cadomin WA 15456 Dec-06-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Hiding Creek |
Reservoir Formation | Falher G Cadomin |
WA Number | 15456 |
Date Issued:
COM PROGRESS Town Halfway Lower Gething WA 18511 Dec-06-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Progress Energy |
Reservoir Field | Town |
Reservoir Formation | Halfway Lower Gething |
WA Number | 18511 |
Date Issued:
COM BONAVISTA W Buick Bluesky Gething WA 15057 Dec-05-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Bonavista Petroleum |
Reservoir Field | Buick Creek West |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky Gething |
WA Number | 15057 |
Date Issued:
PM ISH Energy Desan Pekisko Amend 8 Dec-05-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Pressure Maintenance Waterflood or Pressure Maintenance Gas Injection |
Applicant | ISH Energy Ltd. |
Reservoir Field | Desan |
Reservoir Formation | Pekisko |
Date Issued:
GEP BONAVISTA Buick Creek N Notikewin 'A' Amend 1 Dec-01-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Bonavista Petroleum |
Reservoir Field | Buick Creek North |
Reservoir Formation | Notikewin A |
Date Issued:
COM DUVERNAY Groundbirch Gething Cadomin WA 13574 Nov-29-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Duvernay Oil C |
Reservoir Field | Groundbirch |
Reservoir Formation | Gething Cadomin |
WA Number | 13574 |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Coplin, Halfway WA 5491 Nov-28-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin Halfway |
WA Number | 05491 |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Coplin, Halfway WA 15112 Nov-28-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin Halfway |
WA Number | 15112 |
Date Issued:
COM TALISMAN Stoddart Upper and Lower North Pine WA 17951 Nov-28-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Talisman Energy Inc. |
Reservoir Field | Stoddart West |
Reservoir Formation | North Pine |
WA Number | 17951 |
Date Issued:
COM CNRL Grizzly Cadotte Falher WA 8565 Nov-24-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Grizzly North |
Reservoir Formation | Cadotte Falher |
WA Number | 08565 |
Date Issued:
COM CNRL Grizzly Cadotte Falher WA 18372 Nov-24-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Grizzly North |
Reservoir Formation | Cadotte Falher |
WA Number | 18372 |
Date Issued:
COM ITERATION Boundary Lake N. Coplin WA 17486 Nov-21-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Iteration Energy Ltd |
Reservoir Field | Boundary Lake North |
Reservoir Formation | Coplin |
WA Number | 17486 |
Date Issued:
GEP PENGROWTH Doig Rapids Notikewin 'A' Nov-21-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Pengrowth Corporation |
Reservoir Field | Doig Rapids |
Reservoir Formation | Notikewin "A" |
Date Issued:
GEP BAYTEX Drake-Notikewin 'A' Nov-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Baytex Energy Ltd. |
Reservoir Field | Drake |
Reservoir Formation | Notikewin A |
Date Issued:
GEP CNRL Drake Notikewin 'A' Nov-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL) |
Reservoir Field | Drake |
Reservoir Formation | Notikewin A |
Date Issued:
GEP PIONEER Drake Notikewin 'A' Nov-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Pioneer Natural Resources Canada Inc. |
Reservoir Field | Drake |
Reservoir Formation | Notikewin A |
Date Issued:
COM ENCANA Kelly Paddy 'B' Cadomin 'A' Nov-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Encana |
Reservoir Field | Kelly |
Reservoir Formation | Paddy 'B' Cadomin 'A' |
Date Issued:
GEP BURLINGTON Dahl Bluesky Gething 'A' Nov-15-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Good Engineering Practice |
Applicant | Burlington Resources Canada |
Reservoir Field | Dahl |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky Gething 'A' |
Date Issued:
SWD ANDERSON Ekwan Pine Point WA 5601 Nov-14-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Produced Water Disposal |
Applicant | Anderson Exploration Ltd. |
Reservoir Field | Ekwan |
Reservoir Formation | Pine Point |
WA Number | 05601 |
Date Issued:
COM DEVON Martin Bluesky Baldonnel Interim WA 18920 Nov-14-05 (pdf)
Reservoir Project Type | Commingled Production |
Applicant | Devon Canada C |
Reservoir Field | Martin |
Reservoir Formation | Bluesky Baldonnel |
WA Number | 18920 |