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The Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS) is the online system for permit holders to manage incidents, inspection reports and non-compliance notices issued by the BC Energy Regulator.

CM-IS provides a centralized location and consistent process for permit holders to report minor incidents, manage reported incidents, receive inspection reports and to receive, manage and respond to non-compliance notices. Users of CM-IS must have an Online Systems account with the appropriate security role. For more information about accounts and security roles, please refer to Online Systems Accounts.



CM-IS User Guide

This guide provides guidance and instruction for permit holders and their representative(s) for using CM-IS.

Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS) Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Compliance Management Information System?

The Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS) provides tools for Permit Holders and their representatives to manage incidents and non-compliances and to view inspection results.

Users of CM-IS can:

  • Receive, manage, and resolve Non-Compliance Notices issued by the BCER
  • Review Completed Inspections that may or may not have resulted in the issuance of a Non-Compliance Notice
  • Receive notice when a non-compliance is escalated to Enforcement
  • Report incidents that meet the criteria for classification as “minor”
  • Add additional documentation, interim reports, and Post Incident Reports (Form D) for all incident classifications (minor and level 1, 2 or 3)
  • Monitor the status of reported incidents

What is a non-compliance notice?

A non-compliance notice can result from an inspection or from an administrative review of submission requirements. A non-compliance resulting from an administrative review is called an “administrative non-compliance”.

How do I make sure that the correct people have access to CM-IS and receive notifications?

To receive notifications and access CM-IS users will need to have one of the following security roles. These roles are assigned by the Permit Holder’s Company Administrator. Refer to the BCER website for more information on managing security roles for Online Systems.

Inspection Representative: view inspection reports and view, manage and respond to Non-Compliances Notices identified via a field inspection.

Administrative Non-Compliance Representative: view, manage and respond to Non-compliance notices identified via an administrative review.

Incident Reporting: submit reports for minor incidents, and view, manage and monitor level 1-3 incidents that have been reported to Emergency Management B.C.

What is the difference between CM-IS and eSubmission (and other information systems used for submitting operational submissions)?

CM-IS a tool for communicating and managing inspections and non-compliance notices, whereas eSubmission is used to submit operational requirements. Where an operational submission requirement has not been met, Regulator staff will issue an administrative non-compliance notice via CM-IS. To resolve the non-compliance the permit holder must submit the required documentation and then inform the Regulator that the non-compliance has been resolved using CM-IS.

Can I just submit the required information in via CM-IS that I would normally submit via eSubmission?

No. The required information must be submitted via the appropriate process.

What does “submission” mean in CM-IS?

In CM-IS, a submission is a query or response to a non-compliance initiated by the permit holder. It can be a request for clarification, a request for extension, or a response to a non-compliance. Each submission receives an answer from Regulator staff. An individual non-compliance could have multiple submissions and corresponding answers.

Can information from CM-IS be exported to a spreadsheet application such as Excel?

Users can export a list in .CSV format of non-compliances, both issued and complete, along with related data and status information.

There is currently no ability to export the full communication record for each non-compliance. However, the full record can be viewed in the Log tab.

How do I view inspections that did not result in a non-compliance notice being issued?

Users can view all inspections, including those where no non-compliances were found by selecting Search Inspections on the inspections dashboard. You can then use the Outcome filter to see only those that were in compliance.

How do I compare my company’s performance to industry averages?

While this is not a function that is built into CM-IS, data about inspection and compliance rates is available for download on the Regulator website. Permit holders can use this to perform analysis and compare their performance to other permit holders and industry averages.

The text is too big, too small or information is organized differently on the screen than I would like.

The CM-IS interface has been developed to suit a variety of users and preferences and is similar to the interface used by Regulator staff. We will continue to fine tune the interface to ensure the system is user friendly and efficient. Adjusting the zoom level on your web browser may address some concerns about text size.

Is there a size limit for file attachments?

The maximum file size is 450 MB.

Will the system time out if left unattended?

The system with time out if there no activity for 10 hours.

Can I search, filter, and sort a list of my non-compliances or inspections?

There is a search function on both the inspections and non-compliance screens that allows sorting and filtering. You can also go directly to a notice, non-compliance, or submission if you know the number.

Where is the “save” button?

The system saves data every time you click a checkmark icon and will notify you if you attempt to navigate away from the page without saving.

After a response is submitted, how do I change or add information?

If the Regulator has already responded, then submit a new response. If the Regulator has not responded, then you can retract the submission and submit a new one.

How do I get more information about the various colours and icons used throughout CM-IS?

The CM-IS Permit Holder User Guide provides detailed information about all aspect of the system.

Why do I get a “Browser Not Supported” error message?

CM-IS has been tested and optimized using the Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. It may work using other browsers, but we cannot guarantee it, and cannot provide user support for other browsers.

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