The Oil and Gas Operations Manual is a collection of requirements for permit holders, outlining the regulatory and guidance conditions for construction, operation, deactivation and reclamation of oil and gas and associated activities.
The Environmental Protection and Management Guideline guides industry through the requirements and processes associated with the BCER's legislative authorities.
The Fugitive Emissions Management Guideline guides industry through the regulatory requirements and guidance for fugitive emissions management in B.C.
The Security Management Regulation Guideline (the guideline) is intended to provide guidance on the BC Energy Regulator’s expectations and requirements for complying with the BC Security Management Regulation.
The Leak Detection and Repair Data Collection Template compliments the Fugitive Emissions Management Guideline which are intended to support the leak detection and repair requirements.
The Statement of Road Deactivation Form allows permit holders to declare that a road has been deactivated and/or to request that a permit be declared spent.
The Road Notice of Intent to Deactivate Form is required by the Commission when a permit holder plans to deactive an oil and gas road.
The Road Notification Form allows permit holders to notify the BCER of temporary road closures or restrictions and must be submitted within 30 days of stoppage of use. The permit holder must also provide notification of resumption of use upon restarting use of the road, using the Road Notification Form.
Additional Information
The Summary Information: Discovery Wells provides information required to designate a well as a discovery well. A discovery well is a well that has encountered a previously undiscovered pool.
The Summary Information: Special Data Wells provides information required to designate a well as a special data well. A special data well recognizes operators for obtaining specified, high value well data by providing extended confidentiality.
This document outlines the water source approval process and the requirements for hydrogeological assessment and data collection, monitoring, and data reporting.
The Wellsite Cleanup Form is required after a well has been drilled.
The Flaring and Venting Reduction Guideline guides industry through the best practices for flaring, incinerating and venting gas at a facility.
The Oil and Gas Handbook Drilling Waste Management Chapter provides industry with the requirements for storage and disposal of drilling wastes.
Additional Information
This document outlines the water source approval process and the requirements for hydrogeological assessment and data collection, monitoring, and data reporting.
Completion/Workover Report Form
The Inter-Wellbore Communication Report Form is used by permit holders to report a communication (fluid and/or pressure) between a well undergoing a hydraulic fracture and an offset well in any status (drilling, producing, suspended, abandoned, etc.). Per the OGC Safety Advisory 2010-3 and Information Bulletin 2015-15, all inter-wellbore communications must be reported to the BCER.
The Risk Assessment Framework for Wellsites with Gas Migration Form is a fillable version of Table 9-F in Section 9.7.6 of the Oil and Gas Activity Operations Manual.
Additional Information
Hydraulic Fracture Data - CSV Requirements Guide is intended to guide users through the processes for submitting hydraulic fracturing data electronically.
The Hydraulic Fracturing Electronic Submission - Frac Submission Template provides users with the exact format required for creating a .csv file to upload electronic Hydraulic Fracture Data.
The Hydraulic Fracturing Electronic Submission - Perf Submission Template provides users with the exact format required for creating a .csv file to upload electronic Perforation Interval Data when fracturing occurs in cased wells.
The Management of Saline Fluids for Hydraulic Fracturing Guideline is intended to provide guidance for permit holders planning to construct saline fluid storage facilities.
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The Compliance Assurance Protocol Integrity Management Programs for Pipeline Systems (formerly, Integrity Management Self-Assessment (IMP) Protocol) is a protocol that details the BCER's IMP compliance assurance process and provides guidance to pipeline permit holders how to develop and implement an effective IMP program for their pipeline system to meet the requirements of the Pipeline regulation Section 7 and CSA Z662-15.
The BCER has provided separate documentation to the identified permit holders for their self-assessment as part of the phase 1 of the compliance process.
The Recommended Practice for Damage Prevention Programs provides guidance to assist in the development, ongoing implementation and updates of Damage Prevention Programs, as required by the Pipeline and Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulation, Section 7.
The Flaring and Venting Reduction Guideline guides industry through the best practices for flaring, incinerating and venting gas at a facility.
The guideline, previously known as the Measurement Guideline for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations, has been updated with information including the addition of Chapter 6: Determination of Production at Gas Wells; updates to requirements and references; introduction of a decision tree analysis for well testing, and updates to measurement requirements for consistency with other provincial regulators.
Additional Information
Facility Schedule 3s are submitted by industry to notify the BCER of production facilities and small gas plants that discharge air emissions. It must be submitted if the cumulative facility compressor(s) prime mover kilowatt rating if between 600 and 3000.
The Notice of Temporary Flaring/Incinerating for Facilities is used by permit holders to notify the BCER of flaring at a facility. It must be submitted 24 hours before flaring begins.