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The BC Energy Regulator works to bring balance between the landscape we love and the energy we rely on.


Safeguarding the environment

Throughout the oil and gas activity lifecycle, we apply careful oversight and a commitment to continuous improvement to meet British Columbia’s energy and environmental goals.


Protecting public safety

We have dedicated compliance and enforcement and emergency response teams working to ensure public safety.


Engaging with Indigenous communities

We partner with Indigenous communities and encourage their participation in processes affecting them.

British Columbia's energy industry is complex. We work to ensure companies develop energy resources responsibly. Throughout this process, it's our job to ensure both the environment and public safety are protected, and that those with concerns have the opportunity to have their voice heard.

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Consultation & Notification

The consultation and notification process begins once a company is ready to explore, develop, produce and market oil and gas resources in B.C.


Application review process

Access information on how applications for oil and gas activities are assessed and reviewed to ensure the environment and public safety are protected.


Ensure industry compliance

The BCER supports responsible resource development and requires applicants and permit holders to comply with appropriate enactments and regulations.


Restore & reclaim sites

The BCER considers oil and gas sites as temporary; therefore, careful planning beforehand is required to ensure a successful project's completion.

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Legislative framework

The BCER's role in regulating energy in B.C. is defined in legislation.