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The BCER is committed to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

Partnerships and Opps Infographic FINAL 2020 for print

View the interactive version of the Regulator Indigenous Partnerships and Relationship Opportunities infographic.

The BC Energy Regulator is committed to reconciliation with Indigenous People; this includes Provincial commitments to implementing principled, pragmatic, and organized approaches informed by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Calls to Action, and the Supreme Court of Canada Tsilhqot’in decision and other established law. The provincial government passed the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act in November 2019 to implement the UN Declaration, which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission confirms as the framework for reconciliation.

The BCER continues to build mutually-beneficial, collaborative working relationships with Indigenous communities and to ensure that the interests of Indigenous peoples are understood, respected and considered in BCER decisions and the delivery of its mandate.

Learn more about legislation and policy drivers that inform the BCER’s reconciliation efforts:

How did we get here?

  • 2007
    United Nations approves the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
    Regulator engages with Indigenous Nations on the Oil and Gas Activities Act

  • 2008
    Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is established

  • 2010
    Canada endorses UNDRIP

  • 2013
    BC Energy Regulator engages with Indigenous Nations on the LNG Facility Regulation

  • 2014
    The BCER & Doig River First Nation launch the Aboriginal Liaison Program (ALP) pilot project

  • 2015
    Truth and Reconciliation Commission releases its Calls to Action

  • 2016
    The BCER expands engagement with Indigenous Nations on regulatory & policy initiatives
    Canada commits to fully implement UNDRIP
    The ALP expands to seven agreements & grew agency involvement across B.C.

  • 2017
    The BCER expands programs to promote Indigenous cultural awareness amongst staff
    Province of B.C. commits to fully implement UNDRIP
    Province releases the Draft Principles that Guide the Province of B.C.’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples

  • 2018
    An Act (Bill C-262) to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with UNDRIP goes to Federal Senate
    ALP expands to nine Indigenous agreements representing 15 communities across the north

  • 2019
    Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act is passed in B.C.

How does the Province’s Reconciliation Commitments influence the BCER's work with First Nations?

Reconciliation is central to the BCER’s work and we have developed and maintained strong relationships with Indigenous Nations, communities and people. Many of our programs and initiatives that support reconciliation pre-date the adoption of UNDRIP by Canada and the Province of British Columbia, and have continued to grow and evolve over time.

We continue to adapt processes and programs to ensure they are aligned with the Province’s reconciliation guidance. This helps to advance collaboration throughout the regulatory lifecycle, including:

  • Proactively, and in a flexible manner, working with Indigenous Nations to consult on industry applications, including continuous improvement of guidelines and procedures that direct our work with Indigenous Nations
  • Engaging with Indigenous peoples throughout the regulatory lifecycle reflecting the holistic approach the BCER takes to consider connections between land, human rights, self-determination and cultural identity
  • Agreements and Capacity Funding Programs to support Indigenous Nation’s review of oil and gas applications, engagement and more
  • Planning and supporting education and training opportunities so that communities have trained staff to participate throughout the regulatory lifecycle, from application reviews to site restoration
  • Collaborating on environmental monitoring and restoration projects, by Partnering with Indigenous Nations on Restoration Projects including contracting opportunities to restore orphan sites
  • Joining in compliance and enforcement inspections, as well as critical incident and emergency management planning to work with Indigenous Nations as partners in regulatory compliance across the natural resource sector through the Aboriginal Liaison Program
  • Collaborating on Indigenous led initiatives that support partnerships between the BCER and Indigenous communities
  • Increasing opportunities for engagement on the BCER's regulations, guidance, and environmental monitoring activities

BC Energy Regulator Indigenous Nations Partnerships

Graphic Indigenous Commision