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Here you'll find recent updates to regulations related to energy resource development in B.C. We also may request your input or feedback on proposed changes to the regulation of energy resource activities that may affect you.

Current Engagements

Wellhead removal
Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation Regulatory Impact Analysis

The BCER invites feedback as part of a Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation.

Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation Review

The BCER is seeking input as it conducts a comprehensive review of the Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation and its regulatory impact.

Integrating Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methanol into Energy Resource Regulation in B.C.

The BCER is undertaking a comprehensive review of its regulatory framework to incorporate the manufacturing, associated on-site storage and pipeline transportation of hydrogen, ammonia and methanol.

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Drilling and Production Regulation (DPR) - Methane Emissions Reduction Requirement

The BCER is seeking comments from interested parties to help inform changes to provincial regulations to achieve further reductions in methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.

Regulatory Update: Changes

Regulator Board RegulationAmendment to the Facility, Levy and Security Regulation (February 27, 2025)
Regulator Board RegulationAmendments to the following regulations: Dormancy and Shutdown, Drilling and Production, Emergency Management, Fee, Levy and Security, Liquefied Natural Gas Facility, Oil and Gas Processing Facility, Pipeline, Requirements for Consultation and Notification, Security Management, and Service, effective April 1, 2025
Regulator Board RegulationAmendments to the Drilling and Production Regulation, the Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation and the Pipeline Regulation, effective January 1, 2025.
Government RegulationChanges to BCER specified provisions for the Heritage Conservation Act have been enacted under Section 1 of Bill 15 -2018, effective June 1, 2024.
Government RegulationAmendments to the Administrative Penalties Regulation and Investigations Regulation (December 11, 2023)
Regulator Board RegulationInvasive Plant Amendment (June 12, 2023)
Regulator Board RegulationDrilling and Production Regulation and consequential amendment to Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation and Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation (March 27, 2023)
Regulator GuidanceOil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation Guideline (October 24, 2022)
Regulator Board RegulationDormancy and Shutdown Regulation (December 6, 2022)
Regulator Board RegulationDrilling and Production Regulation (December 6. 2022)
Regulator Board RegulationSecurity Management Regulation (August 29, 2022)
Regulator Board Regulation

Emergency Management Regulation (September 1, 2021)

Regulator Board Regulation

Requirements for Consultation and Notification Regulation (June 1, 2021)

Regulator Board RegulationService Regulation (June 1, 2021)
Regulator Board RegulationOil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation (March 4, 2021)

If you have any questions related to this Regulatory Update, please email us at

What does Regulatory Affairs do?

We work with our subject matter experts across the Regulator to develop amendments to existing Regulator Board regulations, and to propose new provisions when needed.

We do our best to incorporate feedback from affected parties into regulatory policy. The feedback is first presented to the Regulator's Board of Directors, then we work with provincial legislative drafters to turn approved policy into regulations.

Since the Provincial Government approves some regulations under the Energy Resource Activities Act (ERAA), we communicate with government staff about potential amendments to those Government regulations, and potential amendments to the Act itself.

Engagement on Regulatory Change - What's up?

The Regulator has a policy of continuous improvement for the oil and gas regulatory framework. When a proposal for regulatory change is being considered, engagement will help to inform the best policy change possible, given multiple interests.

Engagement with Indigenous Peoples and stakeholders is one way the BC Energy Regulator is working hard through its values of transparency, innovation, integrity, respect and responsiveness to help meet government’s commitment to responsible and inclusive governance.

The BCER is looking to engage people more regularly on proposed policy and regulatory change. We've created this Regulatory Update page to share information, increase transparency and seek feedback on proposed changes to the regulation of oil and gas activities that may affect others. It is our goal to update the page quarterly. Along with this online update, we may also provide updates via email, social media, webinars, and workshops.

Engagement looks to inform and receive feedback from people on potential regulatory change.

Engagement helps the BCER make better decisions by understanding what people consider important. The type of engagement will vary depending on the nature of the proposed change.

We hope to learn about your values, preferences and needs; to identify issues and possible solutions; and to hear your ideas and alternatives. The BCER’s goals of engagement include an approach more inclusive of Indigenous Peoples and stakeholders whose voices are heard in the implementation of change.