The BCER is seeking input as it conducts a comprehensive review of the Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation (OGPFR) and its regulatory impact. Requirements under the OGPFR extend to all oil and gas processing facilities within British Columbia. This scheduled review is an opportunity to identify potential improvements to the regulation and is intended to ensure the OGPFR remains an effective and comprehensive regulation for oil and gas processing facilities. Comments received may inform future regulatory development or other changes.
The OGPFR took effect in March 2021 and consolidates regulations related to the construction and operation of oil and gas processing facilities. The regulation outlines requirements related to the following activities, among others:
- Pre-engagement and the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge in project planning.
- Processing facility applications.
- Design and construction of processing facilities.
- Assessment of socio-cultural and environmental effects.
- Continuous operation of processing facilities.
- Suspension of operations or decommissioning of a processing facility.
- Records management and submission of required reports to the BCER.
Ultimately, these requirements are intended to ensure the BCER delivers on its mandate of regulating processing facilities in a manner that protects public safety and the environment, supports reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and the transition to low-carbon energy, conserves energy resources and fosters a sound economy and social well-being.

How to Provide Input
After reviewing the Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation and the information provided on this page, please submit your input regarding the regulation’s impact and performance, noting any specific changes you would like to put forward for consideration.
Please also indicate why you are interested in the development of changes to the regulation (example responses: My trap line is within the vicinity of a gas processing facility; I am employed at a gas processing facility).
The period for comments has closed.