The BC Energy Regulator works closely with industry to ensure oil and gas activities are conducted with consideration to wildlife.
Protection of wildlife is a provincial environmental priority we take seriously. Using a combination of project planning tools, operational oversight and end of life restoration, we are constantly working to ensure oil and gas, and geothermal activities protect wildlife and the habitat they depend on.
To assist companies prioritize wildlife protection throughout the lifecycle of their projects, we provide an up-to-date resource for all species of interest, including key information about habitat and development and operational measures.

The Environmental Information Management System is an online information portal housing guidance summaries for a selection of priority wildlife species and all wildlife habitat areas and ungulate winter range within northeast B.C.
There are a number of species of interest in northeast B.C., where most of the province’s oil and gas activity takes place.
Some of the bird species listed in the portal include:
- Canada Warbler
- Lark Sparrow
- Rusty Blackbird
- Sandhill Crane
- Short-eared Owl
- Upland Sandpiper
Some of the mammal species listed in the portal include:
- Bighorn Sheep
- Boreal Caribou
- Elk
- Grizzly Bear
- Moose
- Wolverine
- Wood Bison
In order to ensure industry protects wildlife throughout the lifecycle of a project, we provide planning and operational guidance for oil and gas companies within the portal. For example:
For bird species, it may include actions such as:
- Minimize disturbance during the breeding season.
- Maintain nesting habitat throughout all seasons.
- Maintain desired plant communities and key habitat features
For mammal species, it may include actions such as:
- Minimize disturbance and ensure that activities do not disrupt behaviour of adult females and young during the birthing season.
- Maintain desired plant communities and key habitat features.
- Maintain habitat for security and thermal cover.
Further, the BCER supports a provincial commitment to a new long-term, comprehensive, science-based approach to protect and preserve caribou populations – the Caribou Recovery Program.