The trending topics section provides some backgrounders on the BCER's key topics of interest.
Induced Seismicity
Seismicity refers to the geographic and historical distribution of earthquakes. Induced seismicity (IS) refers to an earthquake resulting from human activity, such as mining, dam impoundment and oil and natural gas development.
Orphan Sites
Dotted throughout northeast B.C. are oil and gas industry sites - and some of them (approximately 3%) are defined as orphan sites - wells, facilities, pipelines and associated areas where an oil and gas company is declared bankrupt, or cannot be located.
Climate Change
Climate change is a global issue, requiring action from everyone—individuals, governments, environmental organizations, researchers, and industries around the world.
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is a technique used to create pathways in rocks deep underground to help get natural gas flowing.
Dam Safety
Petroleum and natural gas companies store fresh and waste (produced) water using different types of in-ground and above ground storage facilities/structures such as dugouts, water reservoirs, saline ponds, c-rings and tanks, in preparation for using the stored water in their activities.
Caribou Recovery
The BC Energy Regulator supports a provincial commitment to a new long-term, comprehensive, science-based approach to protect and preserve caribou populations – the Caribou Recovery Program.