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DATE ISSUED: Dec. 17, 2021

EFFECTIVE DATE: Dec. 17, 2021

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) has transitioned to ParcelMap BC, replacing the Integrated Cadastral Fabric (ICF) as our source for cadastral data, including parcel descriptions and land ownership status.

Industry users of cadastral data are encouraged to use ParcelMap BC to support consistent language and communication around land ownership and parcel descriptions in communications and applications to the Regulator.

ParcelMap BC is in use by the province of British Columbia, regional districts and municipal governments in northeast B.C. Further information, including a map, can be found on the Land Title and Survey Authority’s (LTSA) ParcelMap BC Adopters page.

Please contact the Regulator’s Service Desk with questions concerning this transition. For questions regarding ParcelMap BC, please contact the LTSA at

Supporting Statement from the Surveyor General of BC:

The Land Title and Survey Authority of BC developed ParcelMap BC and its related services with support of the Association of BC Land Surveyors and other participating stakeholders, including the Province of British Columbia, Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICI Society) and BC Assessment.

Land surveyors continue to play a critical role in the maintenance of ParcelMap BC through the submission of survey plan datasets, as required by the Surveyor General, which will continue to improve the overall spatial accuracy of the ParcelMap BC fabric while facilitating efficient up-to-date currency of the fabric, including all new Statutory Right of Way plans registered.

ParcelMap BC is continually updated by the ParcelMap BC Operations Team to ensure its currency and is fully supported and recommended for use by all stakeholders by the Surveyor General of BC.

Other Resources:

ParcelMap BC Data Products & Descriptions can be found on the LTSA’s ParcelMap BC Help Site

Common methods to access ParcelMap BC:

  • ParcelMap BC in the BC Data Catalogue
  • ICI Society Data Sharehouse and GeoShare access (Full dataset – requires login/membership)
  • LTSA’s ParcelMap BC Search Service application
    • For Guest Users (Simplified data, No ordering)
    • For myLTSA Users (Full data, Plan/Title ordering, Land Surveyor downloading – requires login)

BC Assessment’s Assessment Search application

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Stafford Read
GIS Manager
BC Energy Regulator