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On Nov. 25, 2022, the BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) will update its Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS), our portal for managing industry compliance.

DATE ISSUED: Oct. 17, 2022

EFFECTIVE DATE: Nov. 25, 2022

On Nov. 25, 2022, the BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) will update its Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS), our portal for managing industry compliance. This update will add the capability to communicate inspection results and manage non-compliances associated with inspections. As noted in Industry Bulletin 2022-12, permit holders can expect to see changes to how they receive inspection reports and manage non-compliances. This builds on the demonstrated success of CM-IS to manage administrative compliance.

We will hold an online training session on Nov. 8, 2022 and a recording of the session will be made available on the website. It is recommended that all industry representatives who work in compliance management attend this session, particularly those who currently use the KERMIT system to manage inspection results. You can register by sending an email to

Additional information, including a user guide, will be posted to the Regulator website prior to the release.

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Dax Bourke

Executive Director, Compliance & Enforcement

BC Energy Regulator
