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DATE ISSUED: Feb. 22, 2021


BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) staff have received a new designation from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) under the Water Sustainability Regulation (WSR).

Pursuant to 36(1) of the WSR, the Regulator now has staff designated as Habitat Officers. As a result, applicants proposing activities constituting an “authorized change”, per section 39 of the WSR, can submit their notification(s) directly to the Regulator.

The new designation does not modify the regulatory requirements for submitting a notification of an authorized change under of the WSR.

A statement of the terms and conditions for the authorized changes may be provided by the Habitat Officer, or if an applicant has not received a response from the Habitat Officer within 45 days, they may proceed with the authorized changes subject to the requirements set out in Part 3 of the WSR.

In order to submit a notification of change in and about a stream to the Regulator, applicants must submit a “Changes in and about a stream application” through the Regulator’s Application Management System (AMS). Applicants must indicate in the Application Description section of AMS that the application meets the requirements for notification under section 39 of the WSR. In addition, applicants will need to upload a project description that states how their activities are consistent with an authorized change set out in section 39 of the WSR, including relevant conditions.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Dean Zimmer

Executive Director, Permit Adjudication

BC Energy Regulator
