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Permit holders will now receive inspection reports and manage non-compliances through the Regulator’s Compliance Management Information System

DATE ISSUED: Nov 25, 2022


The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) employs rigorous compliance and enforcement procedures to ensure that energy resource activities are undertaken in a manner that protects public safety and safeguards the environment.

The Regulator has updated its Compliance Management Information System (CM-IS) to enable permit holders to receive inspection reports and manage non-compliances associated with inspections. These functions were previously managed through the Regulator's KERMIT system. Technical Update 2022-03 and Industry Bulletin 2022-12 provide additional context for these changes.

Permit holders will now receive inspection reports and non-compliance notices through CM-IS. There will be a corresponding change in the format of inspection-related emails and documents that permit holders receive and users will now be instructed to log in to the CM-IS portal rather than the KERMIT system, as was previously the case.

Users of KERMIT can use their same usernames and passwords to log in to CM-IS and user roles will continue to be managed by their Company Administrator via their Online Systems account. Updated user guides, training video and FAQs have been posted to the Regulator website.

There will be a short transition period where deficiencies that were issued in KERMIT prior to Nov. 25, 2022, will continue to be managed in that system, while new inspection reports and non-compliance notices will be issued and managed in CM-IS. By the end of 2022, all active deficiencies will be closed out of KERMIT. If required, they will be re-issued through CM-IS or follow-up inspections will be conducted.

More info

  • Compliance and enforcement-related resources for potential and current permit holders can be found here
  • Compliance and enforcement-related documentation, including records of inspections, tickets, warnings, and enforcement orders, can be found here

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Dax Bourke
Executive Director, Compliance & Enforcement
BC Energy Regulator