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Due to a data error, the Well Information for Use in Methane Leak detection Survey Planning report has been re-issued. The updated report corrects this error.

DATE ISSUED: June 6, 2022


The Regulator has updated and re-issued the Well information for Use in Methane Leak detection Survey Planning [BCOGC-60971] report to correct a data error. This report is prepared to show all wells with recent production, for use by permit holders to identify sites that require LDAR surveys.

Due to a data error, wells with a Well Authorization Number greater than 32000 were not included in the original report. The updated report corrects this error.

Permit holders relying on the report to plan 2022 LDAR well surveys should review the updated report to ensure all producing wells were considered in their site selections.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Kevin Parsonage, P.Eng.

Supervisor, Integrity Programs

BC Energy Regulator
