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DATE ISSUED: Feb. 8, 2022

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) has introduced a tool called the ‘Disposal Well Dashboard’ (Dashboard). This tool combines operational data and approval information into plots and data tables for wells approved and operating for disposal of produced water and nonhazardous waste. Additionally, the Dashboard utilizes this data to estimate and display the remaining volume and date of disposal capacity fill-up. The Dashboard also allows for the export of disposal well approval information in csv/Excel format.

The Dashboard provides the Regulator an overview for disposal well surveillance, compliance, and estimation of British Columbia’s disposal reserves and builds on years of innovation with testing requirements and data reporting. This information/tool is provided for the convenience of industry; however, users are cautioned the estimated capacity and forecasting relies on several approximations and assumptions that may not be appropriate for every well. The Dashboard and an Instructions and Background document are available on in the Data Center as well as in the Reservoir Management, Subsurface Disposal section.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Logan Gray, EIT
Reservoir Engineer
BC Energy Regulator
