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A disposal well located near Hudson’s Hope has been decommissioned by its owner, Canada Energy Partners (CEP) Inc. As the well has been both sub-surface and surface abandoned, it can no longer be used for disposal.

A disposal well located near Hudson’s Hope has been decommissioned by its owner, Canada Energy Partners (CEP) Inc. As the well has been both sub-surface and surface abandoned it can no longer be used for disposal.

The well, formerly operated for deep disposal of produced water, is located about 3.3 kms north of BC Hydro’s Peace Canyon Dam and was originally drilled in 2006 to a depth of 1,610 metres. A disposal well is a well into which waste fluids can be injected for safe geologic storage, approved by the BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) and subject to testing, monitoring and reporting conditions.

The well (CE Portage a-20-D/94-A-4 WA22031) was used for disposal between 2008 and 2010 and again between January and March 16, 2017.

In 2017 the Regulator issued an order to suspend disposal activities pending a review of technical information. Following the review, the Regulator attached operating conditions to the order that CEP needed to meet before the well could resume operations. Some conditions were not met and during September 2020 CEP decommissioned the well. With surface abandonment (cut and cap) the disposal approval order under section 75 of the Oil and Gas Activities Act was considered spent and has been cancelled. The Regulator will ensure any equipment remaining on the site is safely suspended until it is removed as part of the final restoration per regulatory requirements.

If you have any questions regarding this Information Bulletin, please contact:

Ron Stefik

Supervisor, Reservoir Engineering

BC Energy Regulator
