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The Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation (DSR) sets timelines by which restoration at all dormant and former sites must occur.

DATE ISSUED: June 10, 2022

The Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation (DSR) sets timelines by which restoration at all dormant and former sites must occur. The DSR also sets notification and follow-up obligations to ensure companies (permit holders) communicate regularly with interested persons (as defined by the DSR) about the specified work they have planned to decommission, assess or restore their dormant and former sites.

The notification and follow-up obligations set out in sections 13 and 14 of the DSR align with the Regulator’s core values of transparency, integrity, and respect. Notification of prescribed activities ensures local Indigenous communities, land owners and local governments are informed of activities affecting their use of the land.

Section 13

  • Section 13 of the DSR requires permit holders to send out a “Notification of Annual Work Plan” to all interested persons at least 60 days prior to doing specified work at a dormant or former site, OR by Jan. 30 of each calendar year (whichever is earlier).
  • The required contents of the Notification of Annual Work Plan are specified in the DSR and a sample notification letter is included with the Dormant Sites Program Manual available on the Regulator’s website.
  • The follow-up obligations for when a written response to a notification is received, or for when a meeting is requested by an interested person, are also prescribed in the regulation.
  • It is important to recognize section 13 of the DSR is notification with a formal opportunity for interested persons to comment. This notification is distinctly different from consultation as described in the Consultation and Notification Regulation, and from constitutional consultation.

Section 14

  • Section 14 of the DSR requires permit holders to send out “Notification of Intention to Begin Work” at least 30 days before doing specified work at a dormant or former site.

Implementation of successful and efficient closure programs requires longer-term planning. Proper notification and follow-up are considered part of this planning process.

In order to achieve compliance with the intermediate activity timelines set out in the DSR, there is a significant amount of decommissioning, assessment, and restoration work planned and being completed in northeast B.C. All permit holders are required to complete all proper notifications as per sections 13 and 14 or 25 of the DSR. Records of all notifications are to be maintained and provided to the Regulator upon request.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin or the DSR in general, please contact:

Matt Edgar
Manager, Closure
BC Energy Regulator