DATE ISSUED: Jan. 27, 2025
The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) has enhanced its Disposal Well Dashboard, an interactive tool that allows users to dynamically explore details about energy resource-related disposal wells in the province via easy-to-use visualizations and data tables.
New features and improvements include:
- The addition of acid gas disposal wells, complementing the existing coverage of produced water and non-hazardous waste disposal wells, with the same detailed operational and forecasting capabilities.
- Enhanced provincial-level analytics, summarizing disposal activity across geologic formations, companies, and fluid types.
- An interactive map displaying well locations and disposal volumes for the past 12 months.
These upgrades provide users with a more comprehensive resource for centralized and user-friendly disposal data. The Dashboard supports the BCER’s commitment to transparency and effective energy resource activity monitoring and management.
The updated Disposal Well Dashboard, along with instructions and background documentation, is available in the Data Centre and on the Subsurface Disposal page in the Operations Documentation & Guidance section of the BCER website.
If you have any questions regarding this Information Update, please contact:
Logan Gray, P.Eng.
Reservoir Engineer
BC Energy Regulator