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The BC Energy Regulator recently completed a four-month project to populate electronic records with Montney formation fluid information.

This project has resulted in the availability of an additional:

  • 266 water analyses
  • 92 oil analyses
  • 388 gas analyses
  • 147 hydrocarbon liquid (condensate) analyses

This project targeted data gathered from wells which commenced production prior to the eSubmission of fluid analyses, which began in March 2015.

The water analyses reflect sampling of flowback fluid following hydraulic fracture stimulation, providing data on the fluid properties in produced water pipelines and surface storage, as well as fluid injected into deep disposal wells.

Gas analysis composition data increases the ability to predict impurities such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) concentrations during drilling and production.

Hydrocarbon liquids analyses, previously only available as individual pdf files, now provide an additional dataset for the assessment of liquids-rich gas production wells.

The project also resulted in improved quality of existing records, as anomalous values were identified and corrected with supporting data.

This fulsome data set is a valuable resource for reserves calculations, and development and hazard planning.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Logan Gray, EIT
Reservoir Engineer
BC Energy Regulator
