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DATE ISSUED: Jan. 15, 2024

EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 2024

The BC Energy Regulatory (BCER) and Treaty 8 First Nations have co-developed new operational planning and mitigation measures to support responsible energy resource development in Treaty 8 Territory and provide greater certainty, clarity and predictability for industry. These enhanced planning and oil and gas-specific mitigation measures (the measures) specify operational practices that will apply to energy resource activities in Treaty 8 Territory, effective April 15, 2024. The measures are designed to contribute to the protection of Treaty Rights and cumulative effects management and will align with and inform various additional provincial operational and strategic planning initiatives currently underway.

Specifically, the objectives of the measures are to: 

  1. Implement consistent planning and construction requirements for energy resource operators working throughout Treaty 8 Territory to protect wildlife, the environment, Treaty Rights and Indigenous way of life. 
  2. Support the First Nations pre-engagement process by ensuring proposed projects align with the newly established measures. 

The measures, which are organized by activity type (seismic, roads, aggregate and borrow pits, pipelines, well sites and facilities), include detailed descriptions of the documentation and plans that must be developed during activity planning and included with applications to the BCER.

As of April 15, 2024, applicants will be required to demonstrate incorporation of these measures prior to an application progressing to the consultation and decision-making phases. Implementation of the measures will also be required at the construction, operating and completion stages of an activity. Application-specific conditions and advisory guidance will be added to any authorizations that may be issued, as applicable.

The measures are not intended to be exhaustive or final, and will be adapted collaboratively, as necessary, for future needs. 

The BCER will be organizing an information session to assist permit holders and operators in understanding the procedures and recommended practices involved in implementing these measures. Further details regarding this session will be coming soon.

If you have any questions regarding this Information Update, please contact:

Michael Shepard 
Operational Transition Lead 
BC Energy Regulator