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DATE ISSUED: June 5, 2023


The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) has introduced a new report to assist permit holders in meeting their administrative submission requirements. This resource can help permit holders ensure they submit information to the BCER on time and maintain compliance with legislated requirements.

The Submissions Due Report is updated daily and can be filtered and sorted by permit holder, submission type in addition to a selection of other data fields. Items coming due for submission and past due items that have not been received are listed.

Please note in certain circumstances, such as exemptions and deferrals, due dates may not be accurate. If there are inconsistencies between the due dates given in this report and timelines outlined in the relevant legislation or formal correspondence with the BCER, the latter takes precedence.

This pilot project focuses on submissions related to drilling, well operations, reservoir engineering and geology. The report may be expanded to include additional submission types in future iterations, if permit holders find it beneficial.

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Logan Gray
Reservoir Engineer
BC Energy Regulator