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As part of the BC Energy Regulator’s (BCER) commitment to transparency and information sharing to increase the public’s understanding about B.C.’s energy sector, new data narratives have been developed, including two new interactive web maps--one for dormant and orphan sites and a separate one for seismic events.

DATE ISSUED: April 18, 2023


As part of the BC Energy Regulator’s (BCER) commitment to transparency and information sharing to increase the public’s understanding about B.C.’s energy sector, new data narratives have been developed, including two new interactive web maps--one for dormant and orphan sites and a separate one for seismic events.

Dormant and Orphans Site Map:

The dormant sites web map builds off existing dormant sites data currently available on our website. It facilitates opportunities for industry and communities to collaborate when planning dormant site work and eliminates the need for users to manually add the existing spatial dormant sites data to a map view for viewing.

Users can identify information on selected dormant sites, filter by operator and status and search for dormant sites by location and well authorization number. Orphan sites can also be shown and include wells, facilities, pipelines and associated areas where the BCER is managing site restoration under the Orphan Site Reclamation Fund. There is also the capability of exporting search results to a .csv file.

Seismicity Map:

The new Northeast B.C. Seismicity Map displays recent and past seismic events of greater than local magnitude 1.5 that were recorded in the region. The map is updated frequently with the capability to filter and find events by date and/or location.

Detailed information regarding each seismic event is displayed on the web map and additional information regarding recorded events is also available. Additionally, the location of seismic stations, wells with industry activity (completion operations and active disposal wells), and key geographic markers are among several features that can be viewed.

Seismic events are provided by the BC Seismic Consortium, which is a joint partnership between the BCER, Geoscience BC and BC OGRIS, with a sole focus to provide credible, transparent seismic event data for Northeastern B.C. This partnership ensures the BCER has access to high quality, independent seismic data analysis for the oversight of oil and gas activities, along with the proper data for informed regulatory decisions.

The BCER has taken a leadership role in its work to restore inactive oil and gas sites in a timely manner, and in the detection and mitigation of induced seismicity associated with energy development. These maps build on the BCER’s goal to demonstrate regulatory excellence and support a safe, responsible, responsive and innovative energy sector for the benefit of all British Columbians.

Further data narratives on water use, and drilling and production can be found on our website through the Data Centre.

The BCER will continue adding new data narratives to support our Strategic Framework outcome of ensuring the public trusts and understands our role as a life cycle energy regulator, including the safety, environmental, social and governance factors applied in decision-making.

If you have any questions regarding this Information Update, please contact:

Lannea Parfitt

Manager, Communications

BC Energy Regulator
