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Submission processes for well decommissioning are being enhanced to accommodate the increase in well decommissioning activities and is expected to result in quicker processing of submissions.

DATE ISSUED: Aug. 26, 2022


The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) is enhancing its submission processes for well decommissioning notification and post-job reporting. Well decommissioning is the process by which the well is permanently plugged and capped so further restoration activities can take place.

The enhanced system will accommodate the significant increase in well decommissioning activities being performed by permit holders, and is expected to result in quicker processing of well decommissioning submissions. It will also ensure well status changes are identified and captured as soon and as accurately as possible.

To ensure the system is thoroughly tested, and to incorporate user feedback wherever possible, the Regulator is seeking permit holder participation in a test of the enhanced submissions. Training and documentation will be provided. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on their experiences using the submissions.

To sign up to participate in the test, permit holder representatives are asked to contact the undersigned, no later than Sept. 2, 2022. Testing is expected to begin in mid-September 2022 and continue for up to two weeks.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Jordan van Besouw, P.Eng
Supervisor, Drilling & Production
BC Energy Regulator
250 215-3975