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The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) has amended the Pipeline Regulation, effective March 9, 2020.

DATE ISSUED: March 18, 2020


The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) has amended the Pipeline Regulation, effective March 9, 2020. Below are some of the changes to be aware of.

Permit holders must provide post-construction plot plans to the Regulator within 60 days of completingconstruction. These plans must show the location of the pipeline and all associated oil and gas activities.

Within 90 days after construction is completed, record drawings, and pipe and component specifications must be provided.

The amendment strengthens the safety aspects of a pipeline:

• Once pipeline construction is complete, the permit holder must ensure the right-of-way is kept clear of garbage, debris, and derelict equipment.

• An integrity management program, formerly required only for the operating phase of a pipeline, is now required for the entire life cycle of the pipeline.

• Prior to operating, a permit holder must have a damage prevention program in place for anticipating and preventing damage to the pipeline.

• The CSA Z662 Annex A Safety and Loss Management System is mandatory.

If a pipeline does not transport fluid for 18 consecutive months, it is considered inactive as of the date activity ceased (or the date construction was complete, in the case of a pipeline never transporting fluid). Before the end of this 18 month period, the permit holder must take one of three actions:

1. Ensure the pipeline has been deactivated.

2. Prepare, submit to the Regulator for approval, and implement a plan for deactivating the pipeline over a different time frame.

3. Prepare and implement a plan for transporting fluids through the pipeline as permitted by the Regulator.

Before reactivating a pipeline, the permit holder must confirm there is no current suspension on the pipeline and notify the Regulator of its intention to reactivate.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Anita Mathur

Legislation Specialist

BC Energy Regulator
