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The process for reviewing applications for proposed activities which impact land subject to a Land Act section 16 or 17 disposition has been streamlined. Applicants no longer need to apply to FrontCounter BC.

DATE ISSUED: Aug. 25, 2020


Note: This bulletin rescinds INDB 2019-09.

The BC Energy Regulator and the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) have streamlined the process for reviewing applications for proposed activities which impact land subject to a Land Act section 16 or 17 disposition.

Applicants no longer need to apply to FrontCounter BC. The Regulator will now accept and review applications related to oil & gas development per the Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) and which fall within the aforementioned subject areas. The Regulator will complete any required First Nations engagement & consultation, and land reviews that are the subject of the disposition.

The results of information gathered will be forwarded to the FLNRORD Statutory Decision Maker to adjudicate, to either amend, deem the activity to be compatible to the established disposition, or deny the request.

In addition, the Regulator and FLNRORD have agreed the following activities are deemed as compatible use within a Section 17 withdrawal area and will not require a referral to FLNRORD. However, this does not apply in those instances where the proposed activities fall within dispositions established for Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) or Tripartite Land Agreement (TLA) selections. The applications for those activities remain subject to the full review, consultation, and FLNRORD decision making processes as outlined above.

  • Pipelines or powerlines located within a section 17 conditional withdrawal established for grazing licence purposes.

  • Activities that fall entirely within areas previously disturbed by industrial activities. Examples of existing industrial operations include: existing facility and well site leases, pipelines, cut blocks harvested within the last 20 years, roads, etc.

  • Activities required for emergency or safety works.

  • Geotechnical and geophysical activities. Examples include: boreholes, low impact seismic operations, etc.
  • Investigative use activities.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Dean Zimmer

Executive Director, Permit Adjudication

BC Energy Regulator
