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DATE ISSUED: June 28, 2021

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 28, 2021


The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) held early engagement sessions in the Fall of 2019 with industry and Indigenous community representatives to introduce the concepts and principles for developing reclamation guidance in northeast B.C. On Jan. 7, 2020, the Regulator issued an information bulletin outlining the regulatory requirement to use ecologically suitable species to promote the restoration of wildlife habitat.

As engagement continues on reclamation practices and restoration outcomes in the context of ecologically
suitable species in northeast B.C. ecosystems, the Regulator is introducing an Engagement Draft of the guidance to begin an extended prepublication engagement and review period with industry, Treaty 8 First Nations, government agencies and public stakeholders. Expectations regarding the upcoming review and engagement period are outlined in the preface to the Engagement Draft for Ecologically Suitable Species Guideline for Reclamation of Oil & Gas Disturbances in Forested Lands, available for download.


Ample time to review and contemplate the information in this engagement draft is being purposely provided. This bulletin initiates the summer review period, which will be followed by targeted engagement sessions starting in September 2021, and subsequently followed by a formal review and comment period.

The Regulator will be reaching out to industry, Indigenous communities and government agencies, and qualified reclamation specialists over the coming weeks. Interested persons are invited to connect with the Regulator (contact information below) to express their interest in participating in the review and engagement process.


The purpose of the guidance is to introduce expectations for implementing section 19 of the Environmental Protection and Management Regulation (EMPR) as part of the Certificate of Restoration (CoR) Part 2 application process. The guidance is anchored to results-based targets and leverages professional reliance (i.e., qualified reclamation specialists). It will not be a prescriptive manual for planning and implementing reclamation activities but outlines best practices a qualified reclamation specialist often considers when determining restoration practices and techniques to employ for a given restoration area.

The objectives of the guidance are to:

  • Improve the identification and mitigation of site risks and limitations through the application of best practices.
  • Improve short term objectives and increase the chance of meeting long term restoration objectives.
  • Provide strategic level engagement avenues to support the integration of traditional knowledge and continuous practice improvements into this guidance.
  • Address regulatory requirements for the restoration of oil and gas disturbances.
  • Promote consistent planning, assessment, and performance reporting for reclamation activity.


  • Phased Implementation Approach with an extended pre-publication engagement period, followed by ongoing engagement.
  • Anchored to results-based performance targets.
  • Requirements for Qualified Reclamation Specialists.
  • Outlines a process for identifying and selecting ecologically suitable species for use in reclamation.
  • Provides recommendations and best practices for pre-reclamation assessments and reclamation planning to identify site risks, limitations, and the development of measures to mitigate those.
  • Provides Performance Assessment Design and Methodology to promote consistency and comparability.
  • Outlines Performance Reporting requirements in the form of indicators and targets to successfully achieve site closure and obtain a CoR Part 2 approval.
  • Sets the stage for long-term evidence based adaptive management through transparent reporting mechanisms.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, the engagement draft, or would like to express your interest in participating in the review and engagement process, please contact:

Scott Wagner
Manager, Aquatic & Terrestrial Habitat – Resource Development & Environment
BC Energy Regulator
