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The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) is reminding permit holders of methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) requirements under section 41.1 of the Drilling and Production Regulation (DPR), which came into force on Jan. 1, 2020.

DATE ISSUED: Aug. 13, 2020

EFFECTIVE DATE: Jan. 1, 2020

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) is reminding permit holders of methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) requirements under section 41.1 of the Drilling and Production Regulation (DPR), which came into force on Jan. 1, 2020. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to know and comply with these requirements.

As set out in in the DPR, certain facilities require three (3) leak detection surveys between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. In those situations, section 41.1(4) requires the surveys be conducted a minimum of 60 days apart. Permit holders are reminded to schedule and conduct LDAR surveys in accordance with these requirements.

If leaks are identified during surveys, they must be repaired in accordance with the time lines set out in section 41.1(5) and 41.1(6) of the DPR. Permit holders are reminded that some leaks may meet the threshold for a reportable spill under the Spill Reporting Regulation.

The Regulator reminds permit holders to ensure they are aware of and comply with B.C.’s COVID-19 safety guidance and requirements in conducting this work. A link is provided below.

Additional guidance information and regulatory links can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding this Information Bulletin, please contact:

Marie Johnson

Air Emissions Specialist

BC Energy Regulator


For questions specific to the Spill Reporting Regulation and Emergency Management Regulation, please contact:

Peter Dalton

Director, Security & Emergency Management

BC Energy Regulator
