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On re-entry of an area following a wildfire, oil and gas sites must be assessed for any potential damage or spills. The BCER is reminding energy companies of their obligation to assess sites following wildfires.

DATE ISSUED: June 19, 2023


The BC Energy Regulator (BCER) is reminding oil and gas operators of their obligation to assess sites for damage following wildfires.

On re-entry of an area following a wildfire, oil and gas sites must be assessed for any potential damage or spills. Any damage that could be a risk to public safety or the environment, must be addressed prior to the restart of operations.

Any damage or spill that meets the definition of a reportable incident under the Emergency Management Regulation, must be classified and reported in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Permit holders should also be aware of new risks that wildfires may have created, such as danger trees, damaged powerlines and poles, and the potential for sub-surface fires to persist and occasionally over-winter when fire behaviour has been intense and the subsurface vegetation supports continued low intensity burning.

The BCER’s priority is safety—for public, facility operators and wildfire crews. The BCER has been working closely with other provincial government agencies to identify operators with assets that could become a risk. We share this information by directly contacting each company, supporting coordination calls that include local governments and Indigenous authorities and critical infrastructure operators, such as telecommunications and hydro. These agencies participate in a regular call routine to share information and receive updates.

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Shani Steinhubl, P.Eng

Senior Integrity Engineer

BC Energy Regulator
