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The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) and KERMIT to improve workflow, presentation and functionality. Changes for this release will be effective Aug. 17, 2020 at 8 p.m.

DATE ISSUED: July 31, 2020

EFFECTIVE DATE: Aug. 17, 2020

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) and KERMIT to improve workflow, presentation and functionality.

Changes for this release will be effective Aug. 17, 2020 at 8 p.m. PDT and include:


Air Emissions Requirements

  • In an effort to streamline air emissions requirements, the Air Emissions section has been removed from the Facility Overview page to the Facility Details page; duplicated questions have been removed and remaining questions are now located under the Facility Specifications Details section. The gas combustion question, and, if required, the related Dispersion Model Attachment upload, will now display under the Facility Specifications section.

Benzene Emissions

  • In addition to removing the annual benzene emissions volume question from the Air Emissions section, it has also been removed from the Facility Equipment Details – Dehydrator section and relocated to the Facility Specifications Details section.
    • A new question regarding distance of the dehydrator emission source to the nearest surface development will display when the benzene emissions are greater than zero.


  • Applicants are required to indicate the number of high pressure flares and the number of low pressure flares when a flare stack equipment type is selected.
  • Amendment applications will now pull back the permitted number of equipment and constructed number of equipment.
  • Vent Stack has been added to the Equipment Type selection list under the Facility Details tab and will be available to select for all facility types.
  • Several data field labels and character limits have been updated.


  • The Annual Benzene Emission field will be moved from the Equipment tab to the Design tab.
  • A new question regarding distance of the dehydrator emission source to the nearest surface development will display when the benzene emissions are greater than zero.
  • Incinerator, Vent and Flare Stack equipment will be presented as separate equipment types in Facility Equipment Tab, NOI and As-built screens.
  • The Equipment type presentation has been updated to display a listing of all permitted/constructed equipment counts. The additional information will show when the individual equipment types are selected.
    • Equipment types will now be presented in a pop-up window on the Facility Equipment Tab, NOI and As-built screens.

The AMS August 2020 Release Guide further explains the AMS changes and will be available Aug. 17, 2020 on the Regulator’s website. In addition, the August monthly updates to the Oil and Gas Activity Application Manual will reflect the AMS changes found in this release. The AMS System User Manual will be updated to reflect these AMS changes at a later date.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Donna Bozarth

Authorizations Manager

BC Energy Regulator


Dana Lockinger

Engineering Systems & Project Liaison

BC Energy Regulator
