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The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) to improve workflow and functionality.

DATE ISSUED: Sept. 9, 2019

EFFECTIVE DATE: Sept. 23, 2019

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) to improve workflow and functionality.

Changes for this release will be effective Sept. 23, 2019 at 8 p.m., PDT and include:

Short Term Water Use (STWU) Applications

Under the STWU overview tab:

  • The character limits within the data field labelled ‘previous short term water use number’ have increased.

Under the STWU details tab:

  • Changes have been made to the validations to determine when a Water Supply Demand Analysis attachment is required.
  • Validations have been enhanced for year one and year two volume data fields. Additionally, the proposed total volume data fields will auto populate from the year one and year two volumes.
  • A Temporary Works Document attachment will be required when works on Crown land has been selected.
  • Water use purpose selections have been updated.

Changes in and About a Stream (CIAS) Applications

  • The requirement to upload a Fish Habitat Assessment has been relocated from each crossing location under the CIAS details tab to the CIAS overview tab.
  • Geophysical stream crossing questions have been removed from the CIAS overview tab.

Under the CIAS details tab:

  • The crossing type meets peak flow question and workflow requirements have been removed.
  • The workflow with respect to mechanical crossings has changed. A new question has been added to identify when a mechanical crossing is required. Applicants no longer need to provide a separate point location in the spatial data shape file for the mechanical crossing.
  • Enhancements have been made to crossing method selections. The crossing method ‘multi-type’ has been removed and applicants will be able to identify a primary and secondary crossing method.
  • ‘Non-Classified Drainage’ (NCD) has been added as an option to the riparian class for applicable applications.

Pipeline Applications

  • The segment linkage details section is now optional.

Well Applications

  • The well off-set grid information data fields have been removed.

An AMS September 2019 Release Guide that further explains these changes, and other various wording updates, will be available Sept. 23, 2019 on the Regulator’s website. The Oil and Gas Activity Application Manual and the AMS System User Manual will also be updated in the near future to reflect the changes in this release.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Ab Dosil
Executive Director, Information Technology
BC Energy Regulator

Donna Bozarth
Authorizations Manager
BC Energy Regulator