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The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) and Operation Systems in order to improve workflow and functionality.

DATE ISSUED: March 14, 2019

EFFECTIVE DATE: March 28, 2019

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) and Operation Systems in order to improve workflow and functionality.

Changes for this release will be effective March 28, 2019 at 8 p.m. PDT and include:

Facility applications and submissions

  • The Emergency Planning Zone Radius will be removed from the Area Details section of a facility application for new applications, amendment applications and historical submissions. In addition, this information will no longer appear in KERMIT.
  • The facility losses question will only display for applicable facility types.
  • The facility losses table will only display for a facility type of gas processing.

Sand Fracture requirements have been refined.

  • The wording ‘Geophysical Area’ will be changed to ‘Oil and Gas Field Name’.
  • Amendment applications will display both the permitted facility name and the proposed facility name.
  • For historical facility submissions, an associated well authorization number will be mandatory for a facility type of well facility.

Well applications

  • Validations will be implemented between the well profile and the surface and bottom holelocations.
  • Validations will be implemented to ensure the expected total depth for true vertical depth (TVD) is less than the expected total depth for measured depth (MD).

Pipeline applications

  • Validation rules regarding the 10 metre requirement for pipeline installations will be removed.
  • A validation will be added to ensure the maximum operating pressure is less than the design pressure.

Spatial data

  • New layers for Area-Based Analysis (ABA) Wildlife and ABA Old Growth Management Areas will be added in the web map tool.

Professional reliance notifications

  • Enhancements will be implemented to ensure the professional reliance notifications are e-mailed to appropriate contacts. These notifications will include a PDF attachment that is applicable to the specific professional.

Navigation panel

  • Changes will be made to include the determination date for all applications.

Wording changes

  • Various wording updates will be made to several questions and statements. Specific details on wording changes can be found in the AMS March 2019 Release Guide.

Stewardship tab

  • Workflow validations for the questions listed under the Exemption section have changed and each question must be answered independently.

The April monthly updates to the Oil and Gas Activity Application Manual will reflect the changes found in this release. In addition, an updated AMS System User Manual and the AMS March 2019 Release Guide, that explains these changes in further detail, will be available by March 29, 2019 on the Regulator’s website.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Ab Dosil
Executive Director, Information Technology
BC Energy Regulator

Donna Bozarth
Authorizations Manager
BC Energy Regulator