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ISSUE DATE: April 30, 2021

EFFECTIVE DATE: May 31, 2021

The BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) releases regular updates to the Application Management System (AMS) to improve workflow and functionality.

Changes for this release will be effective May 31, 2021 at 8 p.m. PDT and include:

Consultation and Notification Tab

  • Application submission requirements for consultation and notification (C&N) will change as a result of the Requirements for Consultation and Notification Regulation (RCNR) coming into effect on June 1, 2021. Enhancements that align the C&N tab in AMS to the regulation will be implemented at a later date. Until then, the C&N tab will be temporarily disabled effective May 31, 2021 at 8 p.m. PDT.
  • These changes do not impact the Rights Holder Engagement tab at this time.

Supporting Documentation Requirements

  • While the C&N tab is disabled, documentation required for C&N must be uploaded in AMS under the Attachments tab as an ‘Other’ document. This includes the following, as applicable:
    • Line List
    • C&N Map
    • Individual Ownership Plan (IOP)
    • Package of Replies and Responses
    • Letters of Non-Objection
    • Exemption Requests
    • Other Supporting Documentation

Line List Requirements

  • If the service and response period obligations conclude on or before May 31, 2021 applicants may continue using the current C&N Line List. For applications submitted prior to June 1, this Line List must be uploaded under the C&N tab. For applications submitted on or after June 1, this Line List must be uploaded under the Attachments tab as an ‘Other’ document.
  • If the service and response period obligations conclude on or after June 1, 2021 applicants are required to follow the RCNR requirements and must use the new RCNR Line List for upload under the Attachments tab.

A June 2021 AMS Release Guide further explaining these changes will be available June 1 on the Regulator’s website. Further guidance will also be available in the May monthly updates to the Oil and Gas Activity Application Manual.

If you have any questions regarding this Industry Bulletin, please contact:

Donna Bozarth
Authorizations Manager
BC Energy Regulator