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DATE ISSUED: Feb. 12, 2024


As part of ongoing regulatory improvement initiatives, the BC Energy Regular (BCER) has made updates to the electronic submission (eSubmission) of methane leak detection, quantification and repair (LDQAR) survey data for both wells and facilities. The updates are intended to provide:

  • More robust error identification.
  • Increased flexibility in data formats.
  • Removal of redundant data fields.
  • Improved database functionality.

The updates include changes to all the data field names, which impacts the bulk upload CSV (comma-separated values) templates but not manual input. For example:

  • The field that identifies whether the LDQAR survey at a well was completed by the Permit Holder or a Third-Party Contractor has changed from “WellRepSurveyType” to “WELL_REP_SURVEY_TYPE” (likewise, “FacRepSurveyType” has been changed to “FAC_REP_SURVEY_TYPE” for the facilities-related equivalent data field).
  • The record that identifies that a Third-Party Contractor performed the LDQAR survey has changed from “TParty” to “T_PARTY”.

In addition, there are now three fewer data fields (for both wells and facilities):

  • The BCER Leak ID will no longer be generated, and the field has been removed.
  • The BCER Reoccurring Leak ID is no longer required, and the field has been removed.
  • The two detection instrument model fields (FLIR and OPGAL) have been consolidated into one field.

All the changes to the electronic LDQAR submissions are outlined in the eSubmission User Guide on the BCER’s website. The updated bulk upload templates for both wells and facilities can be downloaded via the LDQAR section of the eSubmission platform. The deadline for submissions of 2023 LDQAR data is March 31, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this Technical Update, please contact:

Kristofer Siriunas, P.Eng.
Air Emissions Scientist
BC Energy Regulator