In late fall of 2020, the BC Energy Regulator launched phase two of Faces of the Regulator, a six-week social media campaign to introduce British Columbians to talented staff who contribute to the BCER’s success.

2020 Faces of the Regulator
In late fall of 2020, the BC Energy Regulator (Regulator) launched phase two of Faces of the Regulator, a six-week social media campaign to introduce British Columbians to talented staff who contribute to the Regulator’s success.
From a GIS spatial data administrator to a business intelligence analyst and a compliance and enforcement supervisor, some of our staff shared a little about what they do and what’s on their minds, in their own words. They shared their thoughts about public safety, data accessibility, building relationships with communities, and more.
Follow the #FacesOfTheRegulator hashtag to see phase two on any of these social media platforms:
We hope to continue sharing the talented faces of the Regulator across our channels, so be sure to follow us for that and all the latest news, information and behind the scenes looks at who we are and how we’re providing B.C. with regulatory excellence in responsible energy resource development.

2019 Faces of the Regulator
With more than 20 years’ dedicated service, the BC Energy Regulator has a wide range of talented individuals who contribute to the Regulator’s success. Throughout fall 2019, we enjoyed introducing our social media followers to some of the fine folks who work here through our Faces of the Regulator campaign.
From a seismic geologist to an IT analyst and a senior leader in human resources, some of our staff shared a little about what they do and what’s on their minds, in their own words. They shared their thoughts about public safety, groundwater protection, the impact of development on the community, and more.
Didn’t get a chance to see all the posts? Follow #FacesOfTheRegulator on any of these social media platforms:
We hope to do another round of #FacesOfTheRegulator in future with even more faces from even more of our offices throughout B.C. Be sure to follow the Regulator on social media for that and all the latest news, information and behind the scenes looks at who we are and how we’re providing B.C. with regulatory excellence in responsible energy resource development.