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Jun 7, 2021

Changes to Post Construction Plan (PCP) submissions:

  • Land Areas with a Construction Code = Constructed or Never To Be Constructed submitted in previously accepted PCPs are no longer required to be included in subsequent PCP submissions.
  • The .pdf is now optional instead of mandatory.
  • Validation has been added to ensure Crossing Type and Riparian Classification in Change In And About A Stream Locations are equivalent to what they were permitted as, unless the permitted value has since been expired.
  • Users are now prompted to indicate if Long Term Tenure is required for each land area for a well, facility, pipeline and/or associated oil & gas activity on Crown land where construction has occurred or will occur.

New Post Construction Plan - No Existing Land (PCPN) submissions:

  • eSubmission will now automatically determine if any land areas exist for a permit when a user attempts to make a PCP submission. If any exist, a user will be able to proceed with making a PCP submission. If none exist, a user will now be prompted to indicate the number of land areas to generate for each activity type before generating a spatial template and making a PCPN submission. This new submission type has a different file naming requirement than a PCP and will require a user make a relationship between each activity and land area as part of the submission process. Please refer to the eSubmission User Guide and eSubmission Spatial Data Submission Standards on June 7, 2021 or later for further guidance.