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Mar 1, 2019

Changes to Hydraulic Fracture submissions:

  • Hydraulic Fracture submissions can no longer be made against cancelled Notices of Operation/Flare.

Changes to Notice of Operation/Flare submissions:

  • When viewing all Notices of Operation/Flare for a well, the End Date for each operation or flaring activity in the Notice is now displayed.

Changes to Post Construction Plan (PCP) submissions:

  • Where a permit has any PCP submissions with a Status = Review Required or In Progress, users will be restricted from making a subsequent submission until all PCP submissions have a Status = Accepted or Rejected.
  • eSubmission now requires a user to submit a Construction Code = NTBC (Never To Be Constructed) for any Land Areas or Change In & About a Stream locations where a previously accepted PCP submission has been made which indicates the Construction Code = NTBC for the equivalent Land Area or Change In & About a Stream Location.