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Last updated: June 11, 2024

Eagle Mountain - Woodfibre Gas Pipeline

FortisBC is building an approximately 47 kilometre expansion of a portion of their existing natural gas pipeline system that serves Squamish, the Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Island. It involves adding new 24-inch pipe, beginning north of the Coquitlam watershed and ending at the proposed Woodfibre LNG site. To avoid surface disruptions, a portion of the proposed pipeline will be installed in a tunnel underneath the Skwelwil’em Squamish Estuary.

Project Proponent: FortisBC

Associated Infrastructure: Woodfibre LNG

Project Website

Project Images:


  • Jun. 24, 2016
    Squamish First Nation Council approves Environmental Assessment Agreement (EAA) for the project

  • Aug. 9, 2016
    Province issues Environmental Assessment Certificate

  • Nov. 2019
    Pipeline application for tunnel portion submitted to the BCER for review

  • Aug. 2020 - Oct. 2022
    Primary Project Decisions issued

  • Oct. 2023
    Pipeline construction started

Primary Project Permits

Permits for natural gas pipelines (and related compressors, meter stations, etc.) or LNG Facilities are required before construction can start on a major project. Applications go through a thorough permitting process, described in our Permitting Process page. Approvals, issued under the Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA), contain specific conditions and requirements that the proponent must meet in order to be in compliance with the permit.

Name Type
100008382 PERMIT PIPE Relocate
Primary Permits
100008469 PERMIT PIPE Twin
Primary Permits
100084403 PERMIT PIPE Tunnel Amended
Primary Permits
100107249 PERMIT FACILITY Coquitlam V1
Primary Permits
100110343 PERMIT FACILITY Squamish V2
Primary Permits
100111735 PERMIT PIPE Mainline
Primary Permits
Primary Permits

All Other Project Permits

There are various types of permits issued by the BC Energy Regulator for major projects, throughout the different phases of design and construction. Permits that have been issued to date for a particular project can be viewed below.

Name Type
IUP 100108640 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 100109108 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 100109226 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 9640940 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 9641120 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 9643606 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
IUP 9644400 EGM
Approved Investigative Use Permits
ROAD 100110414 EGM
Approved Road Permits
ROAD 100115467 EGM
Approved Road Permits
WATR 100100734 EGM Sec10 10 13 2016
Approved Water Authorizations
WATR 100116923 EGM Sec10 19 05 2023
Approved Water Authorizations
WATR 9643722 EGM Sec10 05 26 2016
Approved Water Authorizations