A well site is considered dormant if it does not meet a threshold of activity for five consecutive years or does not produce for at least 720 hours a year.
Under the BC Energy Regulator’s Comprehensive Liability Management Plan, a key focus is to speed up the rate at which inactive sites are returned to their pre-activity state. To achieve this, we are setting new timeline requirements to hold companies to account for timely cleanup. While many companies are actively restoring sites, the rate of restoration has not kept pace with development. Legislative changes enable the BCER to implement a Dormancy Regulation to address this, which sets hard timelines for restoration and imposes requirements for:
- Decommissioning
- Site Assessment
- Remediation
- Restoration
The Dormancy Regulation gives each site a prescribed timeline to complete restoration.
For more information, please see the Dormant Sites Manual.
List of All Dormant and Former Sites
For a list of dormant and former sites in B.C., please visit our Data Centre.
Former sites are more commonly referred to as sites that were “built but never drilled,” or sites that were “cancelled with surface disturbance.” A former site is defined in the regulation as a site where the well permit has been cancelled, declared spent, or expired.
Spatial Data
The BCER provides spatial data for all dormant and orphan sites including the contents of permit holder Annual Work Plans. The spatial data is provided as both shape files (to be utilized in an ArcGIS platform), as well as KML files (to be used in a Google Earth platform). If you have any questions about the spatial data please email dormantsites@bc-er.ca.
Dormant Sites Map
Click on the map below to launch in full view:

Permit Holder Site Dormancy Declaration
Section 3(1)(b) of the Dormancy & Shutdown Regulation gives permit holders the ability to provide written notice to the BCER that a well is dormant. Sites that are declared as dormant then follow the classification of dormant sites as per Section 4 of the Dormancy & Shutdown Regulation. If you are a permit holder wishing to declare one or more of your sites as dormant please fill out the Site Dormancy Declaration Form and email it to dormantsites@bc-er.ca.
Priority Sites
Dormant sites are classified by either the date that a site becomes dormant or whether the site is a priority site. Priority sites are subject to expedited timelines for closure activities.
The Priority Site Identification Process Map outlines the process that will be followed when requests are received for review and decision made by the Commissioner.
Priority site requests are site-specific and must be received on the Dormant Sites Priority Site Request Form.
In September of 2021, the first 35 Type A dormant sites were designated as Priority Sites.
WA # | Permit Holder | Well Name |
7384 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA ET AL RIGEL 03-16-088-16 |
7437 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA ET AL E RIGEL 14-02-088-16 |
8282 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA ET AL E RIGEL 13-10-088-16 |
5003 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA ET AL RIGEL 16-25-087-18 |
14099 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA RIGEL 05-02-088-16 |
2400 | Bonavista Energy Corporation | BONAVISTA RIGEL C- 060-J/094-A-10 |
7432 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL ET AL E RIGEL 06-14-088-16 |
7433 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL ET AL E RIGEL 04-15-088-16 |
7739 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL RIGEL 14-09-088-16 |
8309 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL RIGEL A11-16-088-16 |
10732 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL ET AL N BOUNDARY 13-03-087-14 |
8253 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL RIGEL 01-16-088-16 |
6934 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL BEAUDETTE A- 005-C/093-O-09 |
10304 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL W BULLMOOSE D- 096-G/093-P-04 |
12993 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL W BULLMOOSE C- 046-H/093-P-04 |
6896 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL BOULDER B- 021-D/093-O-09 |
7431 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL SUKUNKA B- 086-I/093-P-04 |
7908 | Canadian Natural Resources Limited | CNRL BURNT A- 094-A/093-O-08 |
23270 | Canlin Energy Corporation | CANLIN HZ GWILLIM C- 033-D/093-P-06 |
7712 | ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. | COP SUKUNKA D- 070-I/093-P-04 |
11143 | ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp. | COP ET AL WINDFALL A- 005-G/093-P-04 |
8689 | ExxonMobil Canada Ltd. | EXXONMO ET AL SUKUNKA C- 051-J/093-P-04 |
7727 | Imperial Oil Resources Limited | IMP CHEVRON W BOULDER B- 097-F/093-O-08 |
11422 | Imperial Oil Resources Limited | IMP W BRAZION A- 050-G/093-O-08 |
7844 | Prairie Provident Resources Canada Ltd. | PPR ET AL RIGEL 15-31-087-16 |
4516 | Procyon Energy Corp. | PROCYON ET AL SIPHON 06-25-086-17 |
7858 | Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. | ROGCI RIGEL 14-04-088-16 |
18316 | Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. | ROGCI ET AL W BULLMOOSE C- 040-D/093-P-03 |
3817 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA ET AL BULLMOOSE C- 020-L/093-P-03 |
12197 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA HZ W BULLMOOSE D- 007-E/093-P-03 |
7185 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA W BULLMOOSE C- 088-H/093-P-04 |
16344 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA HZ SUKUNKA A- 037-J/093-P-04 |
25543 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA HZ SUKUNKA B- 077-L/093-P-03 |
8622 | Sukunka Natural Resources Inc. | SUKUNKA SUKUNKA C- 054-J/093-P-04 |
19605 | Tallahassee Exploration Inc. | TEI LAGARDE B10-34-087-16 |
The identification year for these priority sites will be 2021 and as a result all restoration activities at the sites must be completed by Dec. 31, 2026 (five calendar years after the identification year). Where the designated Priority Site is the permit holder’s only Type A dormant site the default date under section 15(3) of the DSR applies (the site must be restored by Dec. 31, 2024).